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Let up after reception etc. I suppose. I feel like calling up Istra, after all, but mustn't. I ought to hit the hay, but I couldn't sleep. Poor Tad Warren. Ericson's usual scrawl. September 11: Off to Kokomo, to fly for Farmers' Alliance. Dandy party given for me after it, by Thomas J. Watersell, the steel man. Have read of such parties.

Felt much flattered by it all, somehow did not feel so foolish as at banquets with speeches. After the party was all over, quite late, I went with Watersell for a swim in his private pool. Most remarkable thing I ever saw.

Watersell, and they bowed low to me, fluttering their silk wings and flashing out many colored electric globes concealed in wings and looked like hundreds of rainbow colored fireflies in the darkness. Just then the big lights were turned on again and they let loose hundreds of all kinds of birds, and they flew up all around me, surprised me to death. Then for grub, best sandwiches I ever ate.

Bird party, in a garden, Watersell has many acres in his place and big house with a wonderful brick terrace and more darn convenient things than I ever saw before, breakfast room out on the terrace and swimming pool and little gardens one outside of each guest room, rooms all have private doors, house is mission style built around patio.

Darndest sensation I ever felt, and the idol and columns sort of awe you. I enjoyed the swim and the room they gave me, but I had lost my tooth-brush and that kind of spoiled the end of the party. I noticed Watersell only half introduced his pretty daughter to me, they like me as a lion but And yet they seem to like me personally well enough, too.

Now the reception fans have done their darndest and all the excitement is over including the shouting and I'm starting for Newport to hold a little private meet of my own, backed by Thomas J. Watersell, the steel magnate, and by to-morrow night NY will forget me. I realized that after the big dinner.