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"He is no good! He is scoundrel! He call me Greaser, an' I will keeck off his head for eet!" "Wait until we get him tied," Tom proposed. Sambo, by this time, had gained strength enough to sit up. He was wondering whether he could rise to his feet and sprint away from this dangerous little fury of a Mexican. "Wait, you black cloud!" cried Nicolas. "I will put you down again!"

I know whatte they want, so I run to the door to throw wide, and whatte I see but that devil Franco lock it and stan in front. I jump on him so can scratch his eyes out, but he keeck me in the estomac and for few minutes I no know it nothing. "When I opa my eyes, the room is fule de Indians, and in the iron the house I hear my señora and Doña Ester scream, scream, scream.

He brightened, however, as a thought inspired him. "And the leetle hoss, is he doin' well?" "That Sarko I do not like that he should keeck you!" flamed Anita, and Sundown's cup of happiness was full to overflowing. Quite unconsciously he was leading his horse toward the gate and quite unconsciously Anita was walking beside him. Forgotten was the Loring ranch, the Concho, his own homestead.

Also, as he wiped away the perspiration on his forehead and neck and arms, he turned baleful eyes upon the innocent cause of his toil. "You black devil!" he growled, after a moment. "I feex you now bet you' life! And you can keeck and keeck and keeck! You don' worry thees cart mooch! You black devil!" Then he became active again.

"Ah! would ye? Take that, then, and be quate!" and so saying, he caught LeNoir on the side of the head and sent him to the floor. "Keep him off a while, Yankee!" said Macdonald, for LeNoir was up again, and coming at him. Can ye not speak to me, Hugh?" "Oich-oh," Black Hugh groaned. "It was a necessity Donald man and he took me unawares with his keeck."

She keeck me when she is little, and pull my hair, when I no give her the dulces; but I no mine, for she have the good heart and so sweet spression when she no is mad and always maka very kind with me. I comb her hair and I see she look very cross and I ask her why, and she say she hate mens, they are fools, and womens too.

"And not once, Pedro Garcia," he went on, "do I keeck about thot-a horse is a horse! But I haf coom to you before! And I haf coom to you now! I must got a horse quick! And I bringin' thot horse back joost thee same as I'm gettin' thot horse in good condition better because everybody is knowin. I feed a horse better than you feed a horse and I'm cleanin' the horse once in a while, too!"

If he does hear, well, his own turn will come the queecker, that is all. But it would be better to take them one at a time; so keeck away, my friend, and I will give him no time to squil."

"You can give me thot horse," he continued, placidly. "You haf owe me mooch money. I take thot horse for payment everyt'ing. You give thot caballo to me." Felipe turned to the team. "I give you one keeck in thee belly!" he roared. Then he touched up the horses and started back toward the house. Gone was all elation, all pride, all gleeful consciousness of possession.

An' how you goin' mak' big success? By Gar! I keeck you out dis cabin if you keep her waitin' some more!" With a cry, half of trepidation, half of exultance, Phillips crushed his cap upon his head. "I I've a notion to. I can ALMOST say it; anyhow, I can say enough so she'll understand. Gad! I will! I just needed you to stiffen me up."