United States or Egypt ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She went of her own accord to the headmistress and offered to teach one of the junior classes in exchange for Betty's education, and a few finishing classes for herself. Miss Bean came to see me, and it is all arranged, for she says Trix has a genius for managing children, and will be a valuable help.

He had been doing his usual after-lock-up prowl on the junior gravel, to intercept stragglers, and he had been a witness from a distance of fifty yards, in a very bad light of the descent into the vault. He had remained on the gravel ever since, in the hope of catching them as they came up; but as they had not come up, he had determined to make the first move himself.

They went upstairs to find him lying in state upon a big sofa placed near a window, and his joy at the sight of them was a genuine, human thing. In fact, he had pondered a good deal in secret on the possibility of these swell people thinking he had "more than his share of gall" to expect them to remember him after he passed on his junior assistant salesman's way.

Between them Grandfather and Grandmother Emerson were able to point out nearly all of the sights of the East River several parks and playgrounds, Bellevue Hospital, the Vanderbilt model tenements for people threatened with tuberculosis, the Junior League Hotel for self-supporting women, the old dwelling where Dorothy's friend, the "box furniture lady," had established a school to teach the folk of the neighborhood how to use tools for the advantage of their house-furnishings.

In the absence of the King and the Court, Bacon, as Lord Keeper, was one of the greatest men left in London, and quite the greatest in his own estimation. Misled by this idea of his own importance, he was imprudent enough to treat his colleague, Winwood, the Secretary of State, with as little ceremony as if he had been a junior clerk, thereby incurring the resentment of that very high official.

And so she forgot some little purchases that had to be made, until it was almost dark. Remembering these, she put on her hat and jacket in haste, and telling her father where she was going, ran out to the street. There were the "Weeks' tribe," Junior in the lead, with most of the other children of the neighborhood, running through Love Street in a noisy and excited throng.

Our three friends, however, seemed fated to find in the person of Noaks junior a perpetual stumbling-block and cause of disquietude and annoyance. They had no sooner succeeded in setting him at a distance when an incident occurred which brought them once more into violent collision with the enemy.

The junior subaltern adjusted the balance in the matter of the letter R with the Scotchman. Two months ago he had been at home in peace time he would still have been at school. But of such mixtures is the present British Army made. "It's my face." As a statement of fact the remark left nothing to be desired; as a statement of expediency, when other infants were present, the same cannot be said.

This news augured well for his own ambition, but poor Pulin was disgusted on hearing that no less than three vacancies had occurred in as many weeks, and that all had been filled by relatives of Babu Debnath Lahiri. Kisari Babu added: "A junior clerk is to be appointed to-morrow.

And with it was another expression that resembled contrition. "Mr. Buck's waiting for you," a stenographer told her. Mrs. McChesney opened the door of the office marked "Private." Two men rose. One she recognized as the firm's lawyer. The other, who came swiftly toward her, was T. A. Buck no longer junior.