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Perceiving this at last, Rod had proceeded to amuse himself not a little by assuming a false air of bravado, and spinning some highly preposterous yarns of his hair-lifting adventures upon the plains; a course which, however, adopted too late to be effective, simply confirmed the doubters who could not realize that they were being joshed in their belief that the fellow was an out-and-out fraud.

Each of us knew exactly how the others felt, and yet I cannot say that we displayed acute sympathy one with another; on the contrary, those in the free section considered the antics of the suffering section a very amusing spectacle and we were continually being "joshed" about our lack of appetite. The test was, in truth, rigorous.

So they hammered and sawed and fitted boards and nailed on tar-paper and swore and jangled and joshed one another and counted nickels where they used to disdain counting anything but results and badgered the life out of Patsy because he kicked at being expected to cook for the bunch just the same as if he were in the Flying U mess-house.

Pete intuitively disliked these men, despite the fact that they rode excellent horses, sported gay trappings, and "joshed" with him as though he were one of themselves. His instinct told him that they were not altogether friendly to Annersley.

O Demosthenes!" he says, "you have lost your pebble in front of all Greece." Several grinned at Billy Harden as he set down, and three or four laughed outright. I guess about half of them there knowed him fur a wind bag, and some wasn't sorry to see him joshed. But I seen what the doctor was trying to do. He knowed he was in an awful tight place, and he was feeling that crowd's pulse, so to speak.

I was entirely at home, et with the right forks, joshed the waiters, an' when my friends began to drop over an' pass the season's greetings, an' I presented 'em to Bill an' Jessamie, an' Bill saw that they was nothin' at all but cream, I bet you a tip that he was the worst locoed man in topsy-turvy Frisco.

Even after the Menu had been wrecked and the satiated Revelers had laboriously pried themselves away from the decorated Board, there was no escape. The Women Folks led Adele away to some remote Apartment to sound a Few Warnings, while the Men sat around in the Blue Smoke and joshed Ferdinand to a fare-ye-well.

I just picked up a clod and plugged it at her, and said, 'Turn round, Laughing Earth! She turned half round, and grinned. She was a game old bird! I joshed all the boys here Laughing Earth was my girl till they saw her photo!" There stands Laughing Earth, in brightly-coloured petticoat and blouse, her grey hair blowing about her.

Robert knows he has been joshed into bettin' a hatful of yellowbacks that he can take old Injun killer out and bring back enough deer meat to feed the crowd and him knowin' no more about that sort of act than a one-legged man does about skatin'! They gives him two weeks to do it in. That wa'n't the worst of it, though, accordin' to him.

"Buck up, you fellows," he joshed, "the worst is yet to come. I can see just where you 'false alarms' get off. Your epitaph will be that of the office boy." "What was that?" queried Martin, biting at the bait. "Monday, hired-Tuesday, tired-Wednesday, fired," retorted Morley. "Don't you worry about epitaphs," snapped Tom Henderson.