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Newman slowly advanced, more silent, for the moment, than life. The two men stood face to face. Then Newman had a singular sensation; he felt his sense of injury almost brimming over into jocularity. "Come," he said, "you don't treat me well; at least admit that."

There is but a year between the three, one way or the other. Well, since you're so bashful, Mr. Brian, I'd best choose a place for ye. Will ye sit there on me right, between Bridget and Juliana? There does be safety in numbers, they say, so ye needn't be afeard." "Afeard is it?" responded Brian, with simulated jocularity, though his countenance still wore an expression of dismay.

The younger man, who was gazing stupidly at Patches, returned the salutation with an unintelligible mumble, and proceeded to roll a cigarette. "You folks at the Cross-Triangle short of horses?" asked Nick, with an evident attempt at jocularity, alluding to the situation of the two men, who were riding one horse. "We got mixed up with a bull back yonder," Phil explained briefly.

He knew how futile would be any attempt to escape under the cold hawk-eyes of the man with the broken nose. As the gig put off from the sloop's side, the boy leaned dejectedly against the rail. Pharaoh Daggs slouched up to him. "Ah there, young 'un," said he with cynical jocularity, "just thinkin' o' leavin' us, were ye, when the old man took the gimp out o' ye?"

Palmer; "this sort of what do you call it? double-dealing about visitors, goes on every where, Madam Beaumont. But how do I know, that when I go away, you may not be as glad to get rid of me as you were to get away from these Duttons?" added he, in a tone of forced jocularity.

Then, little by little, the irrepressible gossip, jocularity, and ballad minstrelsy were heard again, his little eyes danced, and his waggish smiles glowed once more, ruddy as a setting sun, through the nectarian vapours of the punch-bowl. The ghosts of Pell and Rogerson fled to their cold dismal shades, and little Tom Toole was his old self again for a month to come.

In such a condition, misapprehensions were natural; jocularity might be mistaken for sarcasm, and caprice felt as insolence. Lord Byron resolves to join the Greeks Arrives at Cephalonia Greek Factions Sends Emissaries to the Grecian Chiefs Writes to London about the Loan To Mavrocordato on the Dissensions Embarks at lest for Missolonghi

Her startled flush arrested him, and his tone attained a sudden jocularity. "Well, I must leave you here to fight it out among yourselves. I have a piece of work that is calling loudly to me from the hill. Good-night!" He paid his bill, and strode away without another word. "I never knew a man with such a range of learning," Leigh said; "he makes the rest of us seem like ignoramuses."

"Thanks, I'll take the chance." "Are you sure you'll have enough command of yourself to make a speech?" " Certain ... I've committed to memory almost all the Encyclopedia Britannica article on lions ... I'm going to give them that...." "Gregory! Gregory!" the crowd was calling, half in derisive jocularity, half in uneasy admiration....

He had a certain quiet and grave humour, which ran through most of his conversation, and a vein of temperate jocularity, which gave infinite zest and effect to the condensed and inexhaustible information which formed its main staple and characteristic.