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Riccoboni continues: "These pleasantries, called Lazzi, are certain actions by which the performer breaks into the scene, to paint to the eye his emotions of panic or jocularity; but as such gestures are foreign to the business going on, the nicety of the art consists in not interrupting the scene, and connecting the Lazzi with it; thus to tie the whole together."

Upon every side there had sprung up claimants many an honest one, and hordes of those not honest. There were obvious thieves and specious ones, brilliant tricksters and dull ones. Newspaper literature had been incited by the number and variety of claims, and claims to a jocularity which spread over all the land.

Kybird dropped her work and sat staring at him, while her husband wriggled with excitement. "'E ain't left it to me, I s'pose?" he said, with a feeble attempt at jocularity. "Not a brass farden," replied his friend, cheerfully. "Not to none of you. Why should 'e? "He ain't left it to Jack, I s'pose?" said Miss Kybird, who had suspended her work to listen.

Anyway I went in her room that morning to ask something about what I should take to Hazel's and what do you think she was doing?" "I'll bite," he answered with assumed jocularity "what was she doing?" "Packing a suit-case!" "No?" Carroll was keenly interested struggling not to show it. "Yes, sir. I asked her what was she doing it for and that's when she got peeved. I told you she was a queer one."

Andrea asked me especially to bring him, and if we do not go soon," she added, consulting a little jeweled watch upon her wrist, "we shall be late. Andrea does not like to be kept waiting." "I was hoping," Mr. Weatherley remarked, with an unwieldy attempt at jocularity, "that I might be asked out to luncheon myself." "Another day, my dear husband," she promised carelessly.

They came up here, and the young man seemed quite genuine. Indeed, he had an offensive jocularity which would be quite in keeping with the character of the real James Crocker, from what I have heard of him." Mr. Sturgis nodded. "Know what you mean. Saw that thing in the paper," he said briefly. "Yes?" "Now, it is very curious, but almost from the start I was uneasy.

You see it's a placer, and anybody could work it, and I'd be cut clean out if others got to know where it was. You savvee?" Eve nodded, but without conviction. The man detected her lack of belief, and that brutal light which was so often in his eyes now suddenly flamed up. But after a moment of effort he banished it, and resorted to an imitation of jocularity.

Milton descends even to abuse the publisher, Vlac, who had officially signed his name to Morus's preface. The mixture of fanatical choler and grotesque jocularity, in which he rolls forth his charges of incontinence against Morus, and of petty knavery against Vlac, is only saved from being unseemly by being ridiculous.

Lest it should be matter of surprise to any, that Mr Willet adopted this bold course in opposition to one whom he had often entertained, and who had always paid his way at the Maypole gallantly, it may be remarked that it was his very penetration and sagacity in this respect, which occasioned him to indulge in those unusual demonstrations of jocularity, just now recorded.

"Well, Jack, I hear you had a ranch," said the father, with a faint effort at jocularity. "Yes, and a great crop of alfalfa," answered Jack, happily. "And it seems that all the time you were away you have never used your allowance, so it has just been piling up for you." "I didn't need it. I had quite sufficient from the income of my mother's estate." "Yes your mother I had forgotten!"