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'And what wilt thou do there? asked Jaafer. 'I go to seek medicine for my eye, replied the old man. Quoth the Khalif, 'O Jaafer, make us sport with him. 'If I jest with him, answered Jaafer, 'I shall hear what I shall not like. But Er Reshid rejoined, 'I charge thee, on my authority, jest with him.

I am he who killed the woman ye found in the chest; so hang me for her and do her justice on me! When Jaafer heard this, he rejoiced at his own deliverance, but grieved for the young man; and whilst they were yet talking, behold, a man far advanced in years made his way when he saluted them and said, 'O Vizier and noble lord, credit not what this young man says.

This was Abou gain his company after Jaafer the leper, in whose this!

Tell her who we are, or we shall be slain in a mistake, and speak her fair, ere an abomination befall us. 'It were only a part of thy deserts, replied Jaafer.

When the lady heard this, she laughed, in spite of her anger, and coming up to the guests, said to them, 'Tell me who you are, for ye have but a little while to live, and were you not men of rank and consideration, you had never dared to act thus. Then the Khalif said to Jaafer, 'Out on thee!

If her fingers, indeed, have traced a single line on her cheek, I trow, in my heart of hearts full many a line she hath writ O thou, whom Jaafer alone of men possesses, may God Grant Jaafer to drink his fill of the wine of thy beauty and wit!

The cup went round till it came to Er Reshid, who refused it, and the mock Khalif said to Jaafer, 'What ails thy friend that he drinks not? 'O our lord, replied the Vizier, 'this long while he hath drunk no wine. Quoth the mock Khalif, 'I have drink other than this, a kind of apple-wine, that will suit him. So he let bring apple-sherbet and said to Haroun, 'Drink thou of this, as often as it comes to thy turn. Then they continued to drink and make merry, till the wine rose to their heads and mastered their wits; and Haroun said to Jaafer, 'O Jaafer, by Allah, we have no such vessels as these.

When the Bedouin awoke, he repaired to Bassora, where he sought out the merchant and repeated to him what Jaafer had said in the dream; whereupon he wept sore, till he was like to depart the world.

Then his courtiers presented themselves and withdrew, whereupon he turned to Jaafer and said to him, 'Bring me the three ladies and the bitches and the Calenders, and make haste. So Jaafer went out and brought them all before him and seated the ladies behind a curtain; then turned to them and said, speaking for the Khalif, 'O women, we pardon you your rough usage of us, in consideration of your previous kindness and for that ye knew us not: and now I would have you to know that you are in the presence of the fifth of the sons of Abbas, the Commander of the Faithful Haroun er Reshid, son of El Mehdi Mohammed, son of Abou Jaafer el Mensour.

One night, he had a dream of dalliance in sleep and told his mother, who rejoiced and told his father, saying, 'Fain would I find him a wife, for he is now apt for marriage. Quoth Khalid, 'He is so foul of favour and withal so evil of odour, so sordid and churlish, that no woman would accept of him. And she answered, 'We will buy him a slave- girl. So it befell, for the accomplishment of that which God the Most High had decreed, that the Amir and his son went down, on the same day as Jaafer and Alaeddin, to the market, where they saw a beautiful girl, full of grace and symmetry, in the hands of a broker, and the Vizier said to the latter, 'O broker, ask her owner if he will take a thousand dinars for her. The broker passed by the Amir and his son with the slave and Hebezlem took one look of her, that cost him a thousand sighs; and he fell passionately in love with her and said, 'O my father, buy me yonder slave-girl. So the Amir called the broker, who brought the girl to him, and asked her her name.