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"Zum Heil den Sundigen zu fuhren, Die Gottgesandte nahte mir: Doch ach! sie frevelnd zu beruhren Hob ich den Lasterblick zu ihr! O! du, hoch uber diesen Erdengrunden, Die mir den Engel meines Heil's gesandt: Erbarm' dich mein, der ach! so tief in Sunden Schmachvoll des Himmels Mittlerin verkannt!"

If it was picked up, I trust the following lines were not regarded merely as wordy frightfulness: "Ach! aus dieses Thales Gründen Die der kalte Nebel drückt, Könnt' ihr doch den Ausgang finden, Ach! wie fühlt' ihr euch beglüekt!" Of all the tabloid tales published last year in R.P.C. 'Comic Cuts, the most comic was that of a mist, a British bus, and a Boche General.

After a moment he said: 'You are not like other folk. "Ihr Lascheks seid ein anderes Geschlecht." I thought of you when we read it. 'Would you rather have me more like the rest, or more unlike, Siegmund? Which is it? 'Neither, he said. 'You are you. They were quiet for a space. The only movement in the night was the faint gambolling of starlight on the water.

Herr Mops, der um das dritte Wort Empfindsamkeit im Munde führet, Und wenn ein Grashalm ihm verdorrt, Gleich einen Thränenstrom verlieret . . . . . . . . Mit meinem Weibchen thut er schier Gleich so bekannt wie ein Franzose; All’ Augenblicke bot er ihr Toback aus eines Bettlers Dose Mit dem, am Zaun in tiefem Schlaf Er einen Tausch wie Yorik traf.

"Disperse, IHR HERREN; have a care!" cried Friedrich; not himself much minding, so intent upon the Ziscaberg. And could have skipt indifferently over your cannon-balls ploughing the ground, had not one fateful ball shattered out the life of poor Prince Wilhelm; a good young Cousin of his, shot down here at his hand. Doubtless a sharp moment for the King.

It was not ten minutes after this introduction before I had settled to stay with St. John, and clouds of good American tobacco were rising from six Tyrolese pipes, and many an "Auf Ihr Wohl" was busying the pretty Kellnerin. They trotted out all their repertory of quaint local songs for my benefit.

He was close-muffled in a wide mantle; which without farther parley unfolding, he deposited therefrom what seemed some Basket, overhung with green Persian silk; saying only: Ihr lieben Leute, hier bringe ein unschatzbares Verleihen; nehmt es in aller Acht, sorgfaltigst benutzt es: mit hohem Lohn, oder wohl mit schweren Zinsen, wird's einst zuruckgefordert.

He also wrote a hymn: "Auf, ihr Christen, Christi Glieder," which after two centuries holds a place in German hymnals, and the translation is to be found in some of the best collections of the English language. To this day, therefore, the churches of London and Berlin alike respond to Falckner's rallying call: "Rise, ye children of salvation."

Little song written since Weber set his horns a-breathing, or Brahms transmuted the witchery of the German forest into tone, is more romantic. Over it might be set the invocation of Heine: "Steiget auf, ihr alten Traüme! Oeffne dich, dur Herzenstor!"

I observe in you, Richie, an extraordinary deficiency of memory. She has had an illness; Neptune speed her recovery! Now for a turn at our German. Die Strassen ruhen; die Stadt schlaft; aber dort, siehst Du, dort liegt das blaue Meer, das nimmer- schlafende! She is gazing on it, and breathing it, Richie. Ach! ihr jauchzende Seejungfern. On my soul, I expect to see the very loveliest of her sex!