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The earnest tones in which the last words were spoken convinced his comrades that O'Riley was telling the truth, so having a decided objection to be placed in similar circumstances, they danced and beat each other until they were quite in a glow. "Why, what are you at there, Meetuck?" exclaimed Fred, pausing. "Igloe make," replied the Esquimau. "Ig what?" inquired O'Riley.

"Ah, si jeunesse...!" ejaculates the poet; but here jeunesse, by a doubling of forces, both pouvait and savait. Then Prochnow turned the canvas itself round toward Preciosa. "Does Mademoiselle recognise herself?" "It's you, Preciosa, to the life," said the daughter of Roscoe Orlando Gibbons. "Oh, Ig!" cried Little O'Grady, much moved, "you're the king-pin sure.

Hughes, an English friend of mine, has lived in France some five-and-thirty years without reconciling himself to being known as "Monsieur Ig." "Armand" might easily be Jean Ferret's translation of "Harman." Had he and Amedee in their admiration conferred the prefix because they considered it a plausible accompaniment to the lady's gentle bearing?

A few days after, Zarif was asked how he talks to Mohammed. "Mit Munt: with mouth." "Why don't you tell me that with your mouth?" "Weil ig kein Stim hbe: because I have no voice." Does not this answer, as Krall remarks, allow us to suppose that he has other means than speech of conversing with his stable-companion?

After father rode away, Buddy crept up and put his two short arms around mother. "Don't cry. I don't have to drink any water," he soothed her. He waited a minute and added optimistically, "Dere's a BI IG wiver comin' pitty soon. Oxes smells water a hunerd miles. Ezra says so. An' las' night Crumpy was snuffin' an' snuffin'. I saw 'im do it. He smelt a BIG wiver. THAT bi-ig!"

Intoxicated with his finery and with the terrific peals of melody behind him, he pranced rather than walked up to the portals of Lincoln Lodge, and there, to the amazement and admiration alike of his clansmen and his expectant host, he burst forth into the following Celtic fragment, translated into English for the occasion by his assiduous friend from a hitherto undiscovered manuscript of Ossian: "I am ze chieftain, Nursed in ze mountains, Behold me, Mac ig ig ig ish!

Scholler, thought that they would try and teach Mohammed to express himself in speech. The horse, a docile and eager pupil, made touching and fruitless efforts to reproduce human sounds. Suddenly, he stopped and, in his strange phonetic spelling, declared, by striking his foot on the spring-board: "Ig hb kein gud Sdim. I have not a good voice."

The snow having now melted, she had completely lost her husband's track, and she wandered about uncertain which way to go and in a state of perfect despair. At length with bitter cries she lamented her fate. "Moowis, Moowis," she cried, "nin ge won e win ig, ne won e win ig!" "Moowis, Moowis, you have led me astray, you are leading me astray!" With this cry she wandered in the woods.

"The 'young man'!" laughed Virgilia, dandling a cushion. "Didn't he have any name?" "Some queer one: Ig Ig I don't remember." "Nor any address?" "Some far-away street you never heard of." "How ridiculous!" chirped Virgilia, throwing back her head. "Do let them give you another cup of tea or some more of those biscuits. Ask for what you want. Don't be backward, even if you are a newcomer."

I took off my fez, and said, "Do you know, Father Igoumen, what has given me the most pleasure in the course of my visit?" Ig. "I can scarcely guess." Author. "I have seen a large assembly of peasantry, and not a trace of poverty, vice, or misery; the best proof that both the civil and ecclesiastical authorities do their duty."