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Martha said: "There's some milk hotted for you, Miss, and some biscuits. There on the table by the stairs." "Oh, I don't want anything, Martha, thank you!" "Your aunt said you was to have it." Maggie drank it down, Martha watching her. Then she went upstairs softly, as though her joy might awaken the whole house.

Two new drivers come up from their dug-out, yawning, and take over; a message has just come in that the 'P' trenches have been 'hotted' by trench mortars and cars must go back again at once. The ambulances move off, leaving the doctors busy, sleeves rolled up to the elbow. The second stage in the journey has been completed. The cars are moving much more quickly now.

And, almost as soon as that was over, there was a bit of unpleasantness because a flower-pot fell off a window-ledge and nearly brained the hero. The atmosphere was consequently more or less hotted up when Cyril, who had been hanging about at the back of the stage, breezed down centre and toed the mark for his most substantial chunk of entertainment.

Her mother was failing fast, and as it was a custom in the family to die in December, it was a daughter's duty to visit her as often as possible; the shops were all dressed-up for Christmas, and it was hard that a body should not get a bit of pleasure sometimes, and the steak was stewed, and could be "hotted up" at a moment's notice.

'What with getting the ham skinned, and the black-puddings hotted up, she said, 'it will take me all my time before he's here, if I begin this minute. 'I'll lay the table myself, said Christine, jumping up. 'Do you attend to the cooking. 'Thank you, ma'am. And perhaps 'tis no matter, seeing that it is the last night you'll have to do such work.

Five minutes for it to get really hot, as Annette had made some the previous day for her father who had been on a tiring errand up to La Mure and had come home cold and starved and it was specially good all the better for having been hotted up once or twice and the cloves and nutmeg having soaked in for nearly four and twenty hours.

Got an early dinner off of his cook by reason of roomuneration. Cold beef and pickles as much as I choose. Slice o' plum pudding hotted up a purpose, only no beer for to encourage wice in youth. Bein' clost handy, dropped round on a wisit to Arnty Lisbeth. Arnty Lisbeth she's makin' inquiry concerning a young tike's owner. Wrote Arnty Lisbeth out a notice-card.

Well, on that red stone there was something cut; and father he took it to a chap as understands about those things, who got some red wax, and hotted it, and dropped some of it on a paper, and then squeezed this 'ere stone down on it, and looks at the mark through a eye-glass, and he tells father that it was a hand with three lingers holding a dagger."

Well, they hotted up a goodish bit over that." "Well, I don't see how all this affects you. If they want to scrap, why not let them?" "Yes, but, you see, the most frightful thing has happened. At least, it hasn't happened yet, but it may any day. Bennett's talking about taking legal advice to see if he can't induce Mortimer to cheese it by law as he can't be stopped any other way.

As he began to chew he knew that nothing before that moment had ever tasted so good, been so much an answer to all the disasters of the day. The world shrank; it was now the size of a battered tin plate smeared with molasses and the crumbs of stale crackers. Drew downed the mass avidly. Kirby was beside him again, a steaming tin cup ready. "This ain't nothin' but hotted water.