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Hoho begob says I to myself says I. That explains the milk in the cocoanut and absence of hair on the animal's chest. Blazes doing the tootle on the flute. Concert tour. Dirty Dan the dodger's son off Island bridge that sold the same horses twice over to the government to fight the Boers. Old Whatwhat. I called about the poor and water rate, Mr Boylan. You what? The water rate, Mr Boylan.

I now melt the filings in the crucible. Hoho! Hoho! Hahei! Hahei! Blow, bellows, brighten the glow! Wild in the forest grew a tree. I hewed it down, I burned the brown ash to charcoal. It lies heaped now on the hearth. The coals of the tree, how bravely they burn, how bright and clear they glow! Upward they fly in a spray of sparks and melt the steel-dust. Nothung! Nothung! Notable sword!

Or, I will conduct myself as the free-born American the gay Brother Jonathan! I will whittle me a stick. I will whistle to myself "Yankee Doodle," and forget my passion in excessive expectoration. Hoho! wake snakes and walk chalks. The world is divided into two great divisions, Paris and the provinces. There is but one Paris.

When the police sergeant heard the Baroness speak the name he shouted out in the greatest delight "Hoho! We've got you at last, Devil Alias, have we?" And in spite of his violent resistance, they marched him off. But notwithstanding all this which had been happening, the Baroness had understood well enough what Aurelia's idea had been.

What is this I hear? What is this your name is! said the prefect of studies. Dedalus, sir. Out here, Dedalus. Lazy little schemer. I see schemer in your face. Where did you break your glasses? Stephen stumbled into the middle of the class, blinded by fear and haste. Where did you break your glasses? repeated the prefect of studies. The cinder-path, sir. Hoho!

"There is a wise smith come to shame," the old man answers the youth's mocking inquiry; "the teacher receives lessons from his pupil; all is up with art for the old one, he will serve the young one as cook! While the young one makes iron into broth, the old one will prepare a dish of eggs!" With impish relish of the inwardness of the situation, he stirs the mixture in the pot. "Hoho! Hahei! Hoho!"

Far, far out lies a hidden reef, and from that hidden reef rises a white merman, shaking his head after a leaky sailboat making out to sea before the wind. Hoho! out to sea, out to the desolate sea... I am glad to be alone, that none may see my eyes. I lean securely against the wall of rock, knowing that no one can observe me from behind.

Then it flew out and again ran after the carriage, calling: "Kikeriki, sir, Kikerikak, To me the little purse give back." When the gentleman saw this, he was perfectly amazed and said: "Hoho! This rooster is a perfect imp of Satan! Never mind! I'll wring your neck, you saucy cockerel!"

As he once more rudely bids him clear the path to the sleeping woman, Wotan's anger breaks forth: "You shall not," he exclaims, "go the way the bird pointed!" "Hoho! You forbidder!..." cries Siegfried, amazed, "who are you, trying to prevent me?" "Fear the Guardian of the Rock! My power it is which holds the maid under the spell of sleep.

So also with the thoughts that twirl in my head. Before me, on the ground, lies a bundle of dry twigs, from the ruin of a bird's nest. And as with that nest, so also with my soul. I remember every trifle of that day and the next. Hoho! I was hard put to it then! ... I sit here up in the hills and the sea and the air are voiceful, a seething and moaning of the wind and weather, cruel to listen to.