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Clarke, whose person he well knew; and releasing him instantly from his grasp, "Bodikins!" cried he, "I believe as how this hause is haunted who thought to meet with Measter Laawyer Clarke at midnight, and so far from hoam?"

"Probably he wants 2 borry money," says I, without stirrin'. "Men that want particularly 2 see me always do. Well, I hain't got none 2 lend hain't got no more'n 'll talk me hoam." "You'd better go forward & see him," he said very bossy like, as if he was orderin me. "I'd better stay right here, & I'm goin' to stay," says I, so decided that Billings see that it was no use.

ONE MORNING the Orderly-Sergeant handed Si the following letter: Deer Son: I got hoam safely a weke ago, thanks 2 all-protecting Providens; likewise 2 about 175 pound of tuff & helthy Josiah Klegg. Providens helpt rite along, but it tuk 50-year-old Injianny hickory & whit-leather 2 pull through sum ov the tite plasis.

On the way he had to pass Bingley Hall, and rang the bell. The door was opened by Susan Barepoles. "Is Maister Gildart to hoam?" Susan said he was, and Kenneth was delighted to find that his change of voice and costume disguised him so completely that Susan did not recognise him. "I wants to see him." Susan bade him wait in the lobby.

I don't mean that we go for walks together, and such like, as some boys and girls do, for I ha' no time for such things, and I shouldn't like it even if I had; but I'll take thy part if anyone says owt to thee, and thou shalt tell me when thou art very bad at hoam" for the failings of Nelly's parents were public property.

I wor a bit worritted, for I thowt I saw her on t' Mardale Head path, juist afther I got hoam, from t' field abuve t' Bridge Farm, an' it wor noan weather for a stranger, miss, yo unnerstan', to be oot on t' fells, and it gettin' so black " "What young lady?" cried Mary. "Oh, come in, please."

Varra careless of him to ha' left it so long! aw mine wor safe i't' fold by fower o'clock. An' I thowt, miss, as I'd mak bold, afore goin' back to t' farm, to coom an' ast yo, if t' yoong leddy got safe hoam this afternoon?

"He do ride like fire every day to Pig's Snout," naming the highest hill in the neighbourhood, "and stand there and stare, never movin', like a mad 'un. And then hoam agin all slack as if he'd been beaten in a race by somebody." "There is no woman in that!" mused the baronet. "He would have ridden back as hard as he went," reflected this profound scientific humanist, "had there been a woman in it.

"Hail master a cham a' com hoam, So cut as an ape, and tail have I noan, For stealing of beef and pork out of the pail, For thease they'v cut my ears, for th' wother my tail; Nea measter, and us tell thee more nor that And's come there again, my brains will be flat."

"'Why, I'm vary sorry, chimes in th' voice aatsoide, 'vary sorry to trouble you, but a friend o' mine that's on a journey, has just come to aar haase, and wants his supper and a noight's lodgings, and we ha'nt a morsel o' bread to set before him, and I want to knaw if thaa'll lend us a loaf till my wife bakes. "'Get away hoam wi' the', replied the man of th' haase.