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Drop in some day just afore sunset, and set him talking. And for our Lady's sake say not I set you on. The only hiding he ever gave me was for babbling his business; and I do not want another. Gramercy! I married a man for the comfort of the thing, not to be hided." Catherine dropped in. Jorian was ready enough to tell her how he had befriended her son and perhaps saved his life.

"I almost thought 'twould go clear through, and come out at the top of my foot." Katie took a peep. "No, it didn't," said she; "it hided." "There, there, poor little dear," said grandmother; "we'll put her right to bed. Ruthie, don't you suppose you and I can carry her up stairs?" Not a word yet about the naughtiness; but plenty of pity and soft poultices for the wounded foot.

"I came down to tell you, my dear little girls, that it is much too hot to run around this way any more. You must sit down and rest till after dinner. Where's Cricket?" "She's hided, and we can't find her anywhere," repeated Zaidee. "She will come out presently, when she finds you aren't looking for her any more," said auntie, sitting down. "How fares our noble editor?"

Der natives von't know und der white peebles von't be alive to care aboudt it. Ve let it stay hided in der cave undil dis drouble is all over und den it vill be easy to get it avay from der island, yoost so quiet. Come on, boys! Don't be lazy!" "I don't like dot scheme to rob der bank," growled Jan. "If der peeples get onto us, dey vould cut us to bieces." "But dey von't get onto us, you fool.

Letter by post. "Henry." She detained the man, and made up a packet of things for Cairnhope, and gave him five shillings to be sure and take them. This was followed by a correspondence, a portion of which will suffice to eke out the narrative. "DEAREST MOTHER, I slept ill last night, and got up aching from head to foot, as if I had been well hided.

Rosenberg loved Mandoline, and would have been a better mother, perhaps, if she had only known how, and had not had so much work to do. Presently she went down stairs, and left the little girls together. "Good!" said Lina, in a low voice. "She's gone; now we'll play." "But you can't knit if you play, Lina. Tell me where you hided my hat, 'cause I want to go home."

Amongst other things, how often have I, as I have passed along our streets, had a good mind to get up a farce, to revenge the poor boys whom I have seen hided, knocked down, and miserably beaten by some father or mother, when in their fury and mad with rage?

Every single thing she's told me not to do, I always went and did it. She said, 'I do not wish you to play with Lina Rosenberg; and then I went right off and played with her. I didn't have a bit good time; but that's nothing. She hided my hat Lina did; but if I'd gone home, straight home, and not gone to her house, then she couldn't have hided it.

'Father is going away from us in the spring, said Bobby sorrowfully. Then a twinkle came into his brown eyes: 'Me and Nobbles makes up plans too in bed; we runned after father once, we hided from him in his motor, and then he had to keep us. 'Yes, but you aren't going to do that again, said True, looking at him severely. 'Dad is going across the sea; you couldn't follow him there.

This is really extremely careless." "It wasn't nurse's fault," sobbed Firefly, nestling her head into her father's cheek. "I ran away from her. I hided from her on purpose." "Then you were the naughty one. What is the matter, dear? Why do you make things worse for me and for us all just now?" Firefly's head sank still lower.