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A block away, Gramercy Park, a rectangle of the Knickerbocker New York of the woodcut, red-brick sidewalk, salon parlor, and crystal chandelier, was already lacy with the first leafwork of spring. Several times, when the sun lay warmest, Lilly ventured into its Old World sobriety, strolling around the tall grill fence that inclosed the park.

"As to that, gramercy," said Gawaine. "I pray God, in return, that he send you honor and worship." "That will not come," said the knight. "He sendeth me but sorrow and shame." As he spoke he passed on to the other side of the lawn. Here Gawaine saw ten knights, standing with shields and spears ready against this one warrior.

Fain would I, as for the "mere pleasure" of it, under the temptation to delineate, gather into my loose net the singularly sharp and rounded image of our cousin Charlotte of the former name, who figured for us, on the field of Europe, wherever we looked, and all the rest of time, as a character of characters and a marvel of placid consistency; through my vague remembrance of her return from China after the arrest of a commercial career there by her husband's death in the Red Sea which somehow sounded like a dreadful form of death, and my scarce less faint recovery of some Christmas treat of our childhood under her roof in Gramercy Park, amid dim chinoiseries and, in that twilight of time, dimmer offspring, Vernon, Anne, Arthur, marked to us always, in the distincter years, as of all our young relatives the most intensely educated and most pointedly proper an occasion followed by her permanent and invidious withdrawal from her own country.

What connection is there between this fact and an endeavor on your part to find your wife?" "A very close one. She had come to New York to throw herself at my father's feet. Now she could only do this at the steamer or in " "Why do you not proceed, Mr. Van Burnam?" "I will. I do not know why I stopped, or in his own house." "In his own house? In the house in Gramercy Park, do you mean?"

Also Sir Kay with the same spear smote down King Lot, and hurt him passing sore. That saw the King with the Hundred Knights, and ran unto Sir Kay and smote him down, and took his horse, and gave him King Lot, whereof he said gramercy.

"There have been two still greater ones, whose limit was four hundred and six hundred years, and one whose limit compassed even seven hundred and twenty." "Gramercy, it is marvelous!" "But what are these in comparison with me? They are nothing." "What? Canst thou truly look beyond even so vast a stretch of time as " "Seven hundred years?

It was nearly five when she left Gramercy Park, but the day being lovely, and the avenue full of carriages and pedestrians, she took the drive at its enforced tardiness without disapproval. Almost on entering the avenue from Madison Square there was a crush, and her carriage came to a standstill.

Well, said Gawaine, hold you still and we shall espy our time. NOW pass we our matter, and leave we Sir Gawaine, and speak of King Arthur, that on a day said unto King Mark: Sir, I pray you give me a gift that I shall ask you. Sir, said King Mark, I will give you whatsomever ye desire an it be in my power. Sir, gramercy, said Arthur.

"Messire Gawain," saith Perceval, "Meseemeth you did best above all other." "By my faith," saith Messire Gawain, "You speak of your courtesy, but howsoever I or other may have done, you had the prize therein by the judgment of the knights. Of so much may I well call upon the damsel to bear witness." "Sir," saith she, "Gramercy! He ought not to deny me that I require of him.

Yet hark thee, good youth," said he, turning about, "thrust thyself not too forward into this vain hurly-burly I speak not for endangering the steed, and coat of armour, but for the sake of thine own life and limbs." "Gramercy for thy caution," said the Palmer, again smiling; "I will use thy courtesy frankly, and it will go hard with me but I will requite it."