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As a last means to break it and to shake him up a little, she said to him on the third day after his arrival: "It seems to me, Frederick, that you are too much occupied even to remember your duties as a host. We are thinking of going back to town. Are you willing?" "I understand your decision absolutely," Mr. Hellmut answered politely.

You knew my wife and you know my child and love her; and besides, she is attached to you. Tell me what has come over her. Since when has she been so frightfully stubborn? Was the child always that way, or has she only grown more stubborn lately? Have you noticed how she has changed in my absence?" "There is nothing so very much the matter with Cornelli, Mr. Hellmut.

She sat in front of him with bowed head, and only now and then looked up at him, quite shyly. The meal did not go through in a very festive spirit. It was noticeable that Mr. Hellmut had to force himself to the few words he spoke. His thoughts were elsewhere and were of a very disturbing nature. He got up from the table, as soon as possible, and hurried away.

Hellmut entered. "Martha," he said in a business-like tone, "I have spoiled your business by taking your boarder away from you forever. That requires a compensation, and so I have just bought your little cottage from the farmer over there, besides the little piece of ground in front of it.

That same evening, when Director Hellmut was sitting in the living room with his daughter, he spoke of his hope that a cousin of his, Miss Kitty Dorner, would come to stay in Iller-Stream while he was on his trip to Vienna. He also told Cornelli to be glad of this prospect. After a few days came the following answer: B , The 4th of May, 18 .

Halm had asked each of the children to think out some surprise for Mr. Hellmut. For Mux, however, she wrote a beautiful birthday verse. As the little boy's head was filled solely with thoughts of the barn and stable, the kitchen and the goat cart, the plums, the beetles and ants, it took a great deal of time and trouble to fix the verse in his memory.

Now you will have more room for your carnations, and if you manage well, you can surely have some pleasant days from the rent which you save. Are you satisfied?" "Oh, Mr. Hellmut! Is this little house really my own, now, and will I really have a garden besides? Oh, Mr. Hellmut!" But her benefactor would not let her say any more. After heartily shaking her hand, he hurried away.

"Good gracious!" he exclaimed on the morning after the ladies' departure, "what correspondents have you in town, Cornelli? Here is a letter for you." Cornelli, looking up from her cup, glanced incredulously at the letter. "It is really for you. Listen! Miss Cornelli Hellmut, Iller-Stream, Iron Foundry," the father read. "Here it is!"

Mr. Hellmut had still plenty of preparations to make for his journey, and the ladies retired to their rooms to get settled there. At supper everybody met again. The ladies and their host appeared punctually and dinner was served at once. "Where is your daughter? Does she not come to supper, too?" asked Miss Dorner. "Yes, of course. Do you know where she is, Miss Mina?" the father asked.

"I saw her just a moment ago. Where are you, Cornelli?" he called towards the house. "Here I am!" It sounded from very near, for Cornelli had hidden behind her father, so as to inspect the new arrivals without being seen herself. "Come forward and speak to your cousin and to Miss Grideelen!" ordered Mr. Hellmut.