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There were two letters in it which caused him great surprise. Mrs. Halm wrote that all the members of her family had joyfully received his proposal to leave Cornelli with them for a longer stay. She told him that they had all become so fond of Cornelli that she would have left behind a feeling of real loss.

"I should love to stay here!" she exclaimed with deep emotion. "Can I write to Papa now?" That suited Mrs. Halm exactly. Sitting down beside Cornelli, she also wrote to Mr. Hellmut, and both letters were sent at once. Two days later Mr. Hellmut was sitting at the breakfast table, looking at his mail. First of all he opened a fat envelope which had come to him from town.

Here the lithe creature tried to slip through. "Stop, stop! Do you not belong to the parson's widow, Mrs. Halm?" asked the gentleman, making a barrier with his arm. "Yes, I belong to her," was the quick answer. And stooping down still lower, the small person again tried to pass. "Just hold still one moment, if you can," the gentleman now demanded. "You probably know that I am Mr.

He gave her permission to invite for the holidays all the family who had been so good to her, for he and Cornelli, too, had much reason to be grateful to Mrs. Halm. There was plenty of room for all of them in the house, and he would like to have them with him all summer long.

Hellmut wrote to Mrs. Halm to inform her that he was taking a lengthy journey to foreign parts. As he felt that Cornelli was well taken care of in her household, he was anxious to use this opportunity for travelling. He also wrote that he had shortened his last trip in order not to tie his kind cousin and her friend too long to his lonely house.

The mother had heard the stranger's voice and at this moment entered from an adjoining chamber. "She does not correspond, either, as Cornelli puts it," the Director said to himself with a smile. He rose and introduced himself. "Following your son's summons, Mrs. Halm, I have brought you my daughter," he said.

Esther, laden with the dinner dishes, now came into the room to set the table. She informed her master that the guest rooms were ready and that she supposed the ladies wanted to retire before the coming meal. Mrs. Halm and her daughter gladly followed her, but Cornelli said: "Oh, Papa, can I run over to Martha? I'll be back very soon."

Faith! she sat as straught as a rash, wi' jist a hing i' the heid o' her, like the heid o' a halm o' wild aits. 'My father wasna that ill till her than? suggested Robert. 'Wha ever daured say sic a thing? returned Mr. Lammie, but in a tone so far from satisfactory to Robert, that he inquired no more in that direction.

Before the healthy beauty of the human voice, the haunting visions instantly fled, and Frederick's soul was restored to sanity. "Were you making deep-sea researches?" Von Halm asked. "Yes," said Frederick with a laugh, "I was about to make a sounding for the submerged Atlantis. What do you think of the weather?" The giant was wearing his sou'wester and oilskin. He pointed to the barometer.

He had clearly grasped that it meant for him keeping on doing what he had enjoyed so much under Matthew's and Esther's care. The Director had to laugh, and continued: "I must have the reply of the chief, my dear Mrs. Halm, so please listen to my plan.

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