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When she awoke, it was with a sweet, languorous sense of perfect comfort. Heavy-lidded, she glanced about her. Ah! Once more she was in her own wide, gracious bed of a different caste, of an entirely different race, from the second maid's paving-stone pallet, from that folding, punitive contrivance from whose output of anguish Mrs. Gilbert managed to extract a profit.

"Your uniform is a strange one to us, sir," said Isaac Shelby, looking me up and down with that heavy-lidded right eye of his. "Explain your rank and standing, if you please." I told my story simply, and, as I thought, effectively; and had only black looks for my pains. "'Tis a strange tale, surely, sir, too strange to be believable," quoth Shelby.

"No," said she. And suddenly in those eyes, gazing now into space, there came the unutterably melancholy look heavy-lidded from heartache, weary-wise from long, long and bitter, experiences.

She surveyed him with heavy-lidded eyes, a figure of mystery, of secret knowledge. "I want you to tell me who I was before that before him." The Countess blinked her eyes rapidly, as if it hurried calculation. "And I don't mean just before. I want to go 'way back, thousands of years what I was first." He looked helplessly around the room, then glanced appealingly at the Countess.

He entered a small, dimly lighted room and stood there uncertainly. After a moment two heavy curtains parted at the rear of the room and the Countess Casanova stood before him. It could have been no other; her lustrous, heavy-lidded dark eyes swept him soothingly. Her hair was a marvellously piled storm-cloud above a full, well-rounded face. Her complexion was wonderful.

On a table by her side lay a mandolin and an apple. There were large green rosettes upon her little pointed shoes. He knew her life, and the strange stories that were told about her lovers. Had he something of her temperament in him? Those oval heavy-lidded eyes seemed to look curiously at him. What of George Willoughby, with his powdered hair and fantastic patches? How evil he looked!

He knew her life, and the strange stories that were told about her lovers. Had he something of her temperament in him? These oval, heavy-lidded eyes seemed to look curiously at him. What of George Willoughby, with his powdered hair and fantastic patches? How evil he looked! The face was saturnine and swarthy, and the sensual lips seemed to be twisted with disdain.

She was as free and frank of herself as I was curious and timid. "Johnnie, what small feet and little hands you have ... you're a regular aristocrat." A pause. I give her a poem written to her. She reads it, letting her knife stick in a half-peeled potato. She looks up at me out of heavy-lidded eyes. "I believe you're falling in love with me." I trembled, answered nothing, was silent. "Kiss me!"

The eyes, instead of being clear and bright, are congested and heavy-lidded; and if with these you have an increased rapidity of respiration, and a general air of discomfort and unrest, you are fairly safe in making a diagnosis of fever. If the first touch of the tips of the fingers on the wrist shows a hot skin and a rapid pulse, the diagnosis is almost as certain as with the thermometer.

You've made me suffer. But I used to be fond of you. For the sake of that...." She met the heavy-lidded gaze of his brown eyes with the downward stare of her green-grey eyes; touched his hand suddenly, turned her back, and went into her room.