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At the Pelly one morning, as they were harnessing up, Dolly, who had never been conspicuous for anything, went suddenly mad. She announced her condition by a long, heartbreaking wolf howl that sent every dog bristling with fear, then sprang straight for Buck.

It was a heartbreaking predicament for men, and more especially for sailor-men, to be placed in, and if they sometimes rose to the occasion like men and did their best to heave the gang bodily into the sea, or to drive them out of the ship with such weapons as their hard situation and the sailor's Providence threw in their way if they did these things in the gang's despite, they must surely be judged as outraged husbands, fathers and lovers rather than as disloyal subjects of an exacting king.

"And new white curtains 'upstairs and downstairs and in my lady's chamber. Add to that men's and women's wage; and add to that, the love that could neither be bought nor sold." "She is worth it all many times over." "Happen she may be. Her aunt has had a heartbreaking lesson. She may say a few words to unsay words that she never should have spoken." "I shall be thinking of Martha all day.

The children were dazed. They had loved their father and honored his nobility of purpose. The boy Sam was overcome with remorse. He recalled his wildness and disobedience a thousand things trifling enough at the time, but heartbreaking now. Boy and man, Samuel Clemens was never spared by remorse.

You have done a great deal far more, I assure you, than almost any one else would have done. You cannot help the poor girl having chosen the way of transgressors. 'It is not Liz I am crying for at present, Miss Peck, said Gladys mournfully; 'it is for Walter. It is a heartbreaking letter. I cannot, dare not, comfort him. I must take it to Christina to read.

A lantern bobbed by his side, swinging to the tread of the man carrying it. And, as they turned away from the inferno which was consuming Harrisburg, Drew saw other such lights in the night, threading along the slope. This was the heartbreaking search, among the dead, for the living, who might yet be brought back to the agony of the field hospitals.

Poor Moira, years of heartbreaking work and worry had not changed her very much from the girl who had liked to lie in the deep sweet grass of her dear Ireland and let her fancy follow the winging birds into a land of dreams. The other window of the tiny living room looked out directly upon the muddy road, across to the freight tracks.

Never was a young fellow more in love than I never has love been more richly rewarded yet not without some heartbreaking bereavements. I met the woman who was to become my wife during the War of Sections amid its turmoil and peril and when at its close we were married, at Nashville, Tennessee, all about us was in mourning, the future an adventure.

The time has now come to pluck up courage and begin to talk and write soberly about the war. At first the mere horror of it stunned the more thoughtful of us; and even now only those who are not in actual contact with or bereaved relation to its heartbreaking wreckage can think sanely about it, or endure to hear others discuss it coolly.

Thatcher was very ill, and a great part of the time delirious. People said it was heartbreaking to hear her call her child, and raise her head and listen a whole minute at a time, then lay it wearily down again with a moan. Aunt Polly had drooped into a settled melancholy, and her gray hair had grown almost white. The village went to its rest on Tuesday night, sad and forlorn.