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Leonard were ready to burst with suppressed amusement, and Cronk, seeing something going on that he did not understand, looked curiously around with a sandwich half-way to his open mouth, while Ernst, believing from Dennis's tone that he was wronged, turned his great eyes reproachfully from one to another. But Christine was equal to the occasion.

He prepared himself as before by making a bundle of his clothes, which he placed on the top of his head, and was then ready to swim across or perish in the attempt. When he was about half-way across he was attacked by a large serpent, and had it not been for a school of gars that was following him, he would no doubt have been devoured. He reached the shore only to meet a more formidable enemy.

"We'll keep the matter between ourselves in the family, I mean for the time being," he said, with another slowly breaking smile; "but the ladies will want to wish you luck. You must come into the drawing-room and see them." They were half-way to the door when Mr. Jarrott paused. "And, of course, you'll go to New York? I didn't think it necessary to ask you if you cared to make the change."

Half-way down the hill is a fountain which muleteers and pedestrians find most refreshing, especially if they are pressed for time as we were on one occasion when we had an appointment in Spalato, and, missing the train, had to return on foot in the middle of the day. The railway customs are rather curious.

1830 practised this theory, already applied to England by 1688. 1830 is a revolution arrested midway. Half of progress, quasi-right. Now, logic knows not the "almost," absolutely as the sun knows not the candle. Who arrests revolutions half-way? The bourgeoisie? Why? Because the bourgeoisie is interest which has reached satisfaction.

She stared at him. "And thou dost hate my father so? Oh, Nick! oh, Nick!" "Will ye be gone?" called Simon Attwood, half-way opening the gate; "must I set constables on thee?" Nick did not move. A numbness had crept over him like palsy. Cicely caught him by the hand. "Come, let us go back to my father," she said. "He will not turn us out."

The first came half-way up; the second came full two-thirds; the third dashed the senseless body of Ben Burnley, with bleeding head and broken bones, against the very edge of the truck, then surged back with him into a whirling vortex. Grace screamed continuously; she gave herself up now for lost; and the louder she screamed, the louder and the nearer the saving party shouted and hurrahed.

"I tried to urge my critter forward, but he hadn't got it in him; and what frightened me more was that the mustang didn't seem much faster; he had trod in a dog-hole when we war about half-way across the plains, and must have twisted his foot. I could see now he was going a little lame with it.

Thus the man whose leavings ought to form the layer half-way up may have seen fit to dig a deep hole in the cave-floor in order to bury a deceased friend, and with him, let us suppose, to bury also an assortment of articles likely to be useful in the life beyond the grave.

'I wull, she said, and would have risen; but he laid his hands on her head, and thus they remained for a time in silence. Then they rose, and went. They had gone about half-way to the farm before either spoke. Then Kirsty said, 'Francie, there's ae thing I maun beg o' ye, and but ane 'at ye winna desire me to tak the heid o' yer table.