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He dismounted, and stood watching the crowd about him under half-lowered eyelids, but as unmoved as though he saw no one. He threw his arm over the pony's neck and pulled its head down against his chest and began talking to it. It was as though he wished to emphasize his loneliness. "You are not tired, are you? No, you're not," he said.

From behind his half-lowered eyelashes they shone with a kind of phosphorescent gleam if I may so express myself which was not the reflection of a fervid soul or of a playful fancy, but a glitter like to that of smooth steel, blinding but cold.

Rita Dresden settled herself luxuriously into a nest of silk and fur in another corner of the room, regarding the baronet coquettishly through her half-lowered lashes. "I won't go unless it is my party, Lucy," she said. "You must let me pay." "A detail," murmured Pyne, crossing and standing beside her. Interest now became centred upon the preparations being made by Mrs. Sin.

"There are plenty of shots for you, at the first noise, and for the servants, if they come," she went on in that fierce undertone, and then, passionately, "What did you do to him? Take me to him at once!" Irresolutely the man stood and looked up at her under his half-lowered lids. He was near enough for a spring and yet if that excited finger should press.... The girl was capable of anything.

"I should have done so if I had known you were there. One doesn't know such things by inspiration though I suppose one ought. You had better sit down." These two speeches were made in a particular tone of voice a tone half-lowered and carefully quiet, but as from habit rather than from any definite need. Madame Merle looked about her, choosing her seat. "You're going to the door with these women?

Scotty's napkin "accidentally" fell to the floor. He had to turn to pick it up. When he straightened, he shook his head. "The face is familiar, but I can't place it." Rick studied the man through half-lowered lids, not wanting to be rude by staring openly. The familiar face was lean, and lined.

She was sure of it. And Miss Caroline was not fit to go, it would be the death of her. Cook was optimistic. It would do Miss Caroline good; she was always the better for a little fun. The elder ladies breakfasted in bed to save themselves all unnecessary fatigue, and throughout the day they moved behind half-lowered blinds. Henrietta was warned not to walk out.

She seated herself at the breakfast table and in her habitual attitude of slouching nonchalance sat with half-lowered lids watching Essie Tisdale as she moved about the dining-room. There was something in her crouching pose, the cruel eagerness of her eyes, which suggested a bird of prey, but it was not until they were alone that she asked carelessly "How's the hand, Ess?"

For a moment she was minded to put it in her pocket, as though by a kind of compassion for this little bit of iron, so humble and so mysterious, since it was all that remained of that unknown man. But then the pious thought came to her that it is wrong to show attachment to any earthly thing; and, the window being half-lowered, she threw out the key, which fell into the black night.

After these tedious weeks at sea I was wild for a run ashore, and, with the green woods inviting me, grudged even an hour's delay. We had run down foresail and come to our anchor under jib and half-lowered mainsail.