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H'as h'I see it, there's gold in this land just h'as h'I said before, plenty of it. H'and this 'ere tribe, way west there some'ers; they's been driven there by the Roosians, er by other tribes. Mayhaps they's Roosian h'exiles themselves. 'Owever that may be, it's there, and h'I 'ates to think 'ow rich you h'and h'I'd be h'if h'it wasn't fer this 'ere crazy Doctor's achin' to see th' Pole."

She holds herself high, and she's h'impatient like of women folks; but she has a proper respect for me that has been in the family so long, and though it is laughable how she thinks she has me in leading-strings and manages me h'entirely, I h'affords her that pleasure, h'and goes my h'own way. Ah! She's a fine woman, Miss Helen is!

Peters seed pris'ner a-comin' strite fer the camp across the sands from the river, sir. Peters sings out "Oo goes?" H'AND there been no notiss took, pints, sir. 'Yes, interposed Sunni, composedly, in his best English, 'he did. But he did not fire. And that was well, for he might have hit me. I am not broken. 'Go on, Jones, said the Colonel. 'This is very queer.

H'are you closely h'intimated with the mistress? I smiled. 'No, I cannot say that, I answered, 'but I hope to be soon. He shook his head doubtfully. 'She's no h'ordinary female. Hi'm no great lover of the weaker sex, but hi'll say this for Miss Helen, h'and I've known her from the time I took her h'out h'on her first pony, she's a deal more sensibility than many h'of h'us men!

"His Majesty say, you eat him Ju-Ju yours greatest Ju-Ju, he want to sign treaty." But Peters, waving the empty can over his head, shouted: "I've eaten jam, I've eaten jam! It's pineapple and I don't care!" A Suburban Story By CHARLTON LAWRENCE EDHOLM "H'everybody works but Fadher, H'and 'e sets 'round h'all diy "

When he had seen to my luggage and wrapped a fur rug round me, I noticed him taking a sidelong glance at me, and then he commenced, 'You're a fresh h'arrival here, I reckon, miss. We don't so h'often have young lady visitors. 'You have had one of the Miss Forsyths, I said. 'Well yes, we have, h'and I don't see much harm in her. She's flighty, but she's young, h'and time will mend that.

"Is that here at Plymouth?" "H'assuredly, sir. H'and h'only a minute's walk h'over to that shed yonder, sir. H'if you'll come with me, young gentlemen, h'I'll show h'it to you. H'it's one of h'our biggest sights, h'and it's in me own custody, at present. Come this way, young gentlemen." "That sounds like something worth seeing," declared Dave to his comrades. "Come along.

Their guide had already drawn a key from a pocket, and had unsnapped the heavy padlock. "Step right in, young gentlemen, h'and h'I'll follow h'and show h'it to you." Unsuspecting, the three middies stepped inside the darkened shed. Suddenly the door banged, and a padlock clicked outside. "Here, stop that, you rascally joker!" roared Dalzell, wheeling about. "What does this mean?"

"H'anyway, right 'ere's where h'I stick, h'and once th' bloomin' 'eathen show a 'ead above the 'atchway, h'I 'ates t' think what'll 'appen to 'im."

But me lord, the butler, eyed me with questioning curiosity. "Aw me lad, h'and where did your father get 'is blooming costume?" he asked. "Mother supplied it, good sir," I answered. "Hi say, me lad," he laughed, "your mother h'is a grand lydie, you tike me word for h'it; h'in h'England they would decorate that suit with the h'order h'of the garter!" "Honi soit, qui mal y pense!" I lisped.