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A disagreeable cartoon was devised for his discomfort and he received a number of such delicate attentions as that following, which in the issue of July 15th greeted him on his arrival in England along with his distinguished compatriot, M. Pascal Grousset: "M. Rochefort is a gentleman who has lost his standing. There have been greater falls than his.

The Prince said his challenge was to M. Rochefort; to M. Grousset he had nothing to say. A quarrel and a free fight followed. Each man drew his revolver, and Victor Noir, mortally wounded, broke out of the room, staggered into the street, and fell dead. Fonvielle escaped uninjured. He and the Prince were the only witnesses of what took place, and their stories directly contradicted each other.

I was happy indeed to find any one who knew me and could vouch for me, and told him so. He smiled. "I venture to present myself to you, Madame. I am Pascal Grousset. Can I be of any service to you?" "Indeed you can," I answered, eagerly. "Please tell Monsieur Rigault to give me my passport; it seems to have been a colossal undertaking to get it." I preferred the Pascal G. to the Rascal R.

We hope deliverance is near at hand; but who knows how long before we have peace and quiet again? May 28th. MacMahon has stormed the barricades and has entered Paris, taking fifty thousand prisoners. Gallifet has ordered thousands to be shot. We are rescued from more horrors. Thank God! these days of trembling and fear are over. Pascal Grousset was killed on the barricades.

Grousset and Rigault had a little conversation together, and presto! my longed-for passport lay before me to sign. No Elsa ever welcomed her Lohengrin coming out of the clouds as I did my Lohengrin coming from the mantelpiece. I signed my name quickly enough; Rigault put the official seal on it, and, rising from his chair, politely handed it to me.

Pascal Grousset offered me his arm, begging to take me to my carriage. The gendarmes threw open doors, and we retraced our steps through all the different rooms until we reached the one where I had left Mademoiselle W , whom I expected to find waiting for me in agonizing anxiety. But what did I see?

The insurrection is considered over. Most of those who founded the Comité du Salut Public have been taken. The Insurgents are being shot by hundreds. In the Faubourg St. Antoine great numbers of men and women were found carrying petroleum, and at once shot. The Moniteur says that Félix Pyat and Paschal Grousset left Paris yesterday in a balloon, which passed over Niort towards the sea. MAY 29th.

Prince Pierre Bonaparte had challenged M. Henri Rochefort, the editor of a violent Republican journal which had published a scurrilous and abusive article. M. Grousset, the writer of the article, took the responsibility, and, on January 10th, sent his friends, Victor Noir and Ulric Fonvielle, to wait on the Prince at his house in the Rue d'Auteuil.

Cathay and the Way Thither: Medieval Notices of China, trans. and ed. by Sir Henry Yule, 4 vols. Contains an invaluable introduction and all the best accounts of China left by medieval European travellers. R. Beazley: The Dawn of Modern Geography, vols. R. Grousset: Histoire de l'Asie, t. I. A short and charmingly written account of the Mongol Empires from Genghis Khan to Timour.

Probably the man Grousset noticed my emotion, for he came to my rescue and said, politely, "Madame Moulton, j'ai eu l'honneur de vous voir a un bal a l'Hotel de Ville l'annee derniere." I looked up with surprise. He was a very handsome fellow, and I remembered quite well having seen him somewhere; but did not remember where.