United States or Panama ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Kemp; "two of the best that ever breathed." The ladies looked down. "And Charlie Hills; I don't know I don't know when I've took such a fancy to anybody as I have to 'im. If I was a young gal a single young gal he's the other half," he said, slowly, as he paused "just the one I should fancy. He's a good-'arted, good-looking " "Draw it mild," interrupted the blushing Mr. Hills as Mr.

''Ullo, Bob, said his brother-in-law; 'come along 'ome an' get to bed, there's a good chap. You'll be awright in the mornin'. 'She ain't turned up, Bob complained, 'or else I've missed 'er. This is the reg'lar place where I alwis used to meet 'er. But she'll come tomorrer. She used to leave me in the lurch sometimes, bein' nach'rally larky. But very good-'arted, mindjer; very good-'arted.

I I don't expect she'll be very long. She was alwis a bit larky, was Melier; but very good-'arted. His sister had prepared a strenuous lecture on the theme of 'I told you so'; but the man was so broken, so meek, and so plainly unhinged in his faculties, that she suppressed it.

He started being careful of 'is money instead o' spending it, and three mornings running he bought a newspaper and read the advertisements, to see whether there was any comfortable berth for a strong, good-'arted man wot didn't like work. He actually went arter one situation, and, if it hadn't ha' been for seventy-nine other men, he said he believed he'd ha' had a good chance of getting it.

"Have you told the skipper?" inquired Joe sardonically. "I won't deceive you, Joe, I 'ave not," replied the old man. "He'll have to stay down here of a daytime, an' only come on deck of a night when it's our watch. I told 'im what a lot of good-'arted chaps you was, and how " "How much is he going to give you?" inquired Joe impatiently.

Kemp; "two of the best that ever breathed." The ladies looked down. "And Charlie Hills; I don't know I don't know <i>when</i> I've took such a fancy to anybody as I have to 'im. If I was a young gal a single young gal he's the other half," he said, slowly, as he paused "just the one I should fancy. He's a good-'arted, good-looking " "Draw it mild," interrupted the blushing Mr. Hills as Mr.

Jack was one o' these 'ere chaps, nobody's enemy but their own, as the saying is; a good-'arted, free-'anded chap as you could wish to see. Everybody liked 'im, and the ship's cat loved 'im. He'd ha' sold the shirt off 'is back to oblige a pal, and three times in one week he got 'is face scratched for trying to prevent 'usbands knocking their wives about.

And, as a matter o' fact, he'd got a very good-'arted face. "You go out o' that door," ses old Cook, pointing to it. "Go and do your worst. You won't get any money 'ere." "Stop a minute," ses Emma, and afore they could stop 'er she ran upstairs. Mrs.