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Even if he did mistake a pack of yaller dogs fer men, don't ye think he doesn't know how to handle yaller dogs. But I s'pose ye are jus' as good to shoot at as better. Now I gut ye aboard this craft me, Stubbs," he pointed to his breast with a thick forefinger, "an' ye're goneter earn yer grub afore ye're done." "Shanghaied we was shanghaied," ventured Splinter. "You was, was ye?

"What's this?" exclaimed Bobby, picking him up with as substantial an air of paternity as though he were forty. "What's this? Goneter cry afore a stranger?" He held the child up to Donaldson. "The kid," he announced laconically. "What yuh think of him?" "Corker," answered Donaldson. "Let me hold him." "Sure. Get a chair for the gent, Sis."

Sorez ain't a-goin' to listen to you until ye can show him he's wrong. He ain't goneter b'lieve he's wrong until ye can show him th' treasure. Secondly, the Priest gent ain't goneter sleep till he finds out what fer we are wanderin' 'round here. Thirdly, when he does find out, it ain't goneter be comfortable, as ye might say, to be seen in this here harbor.

Wilson saw this through the mist like a shadow picture and then he crossed the road. As he approached them both looked up, the girl wistfully, the officer with an air of bravado. Wilson faced the vigorous form in the helmet and rubber overcoat. "Well," growled the officer, "what you doin' round here?" "Am I doing anything wrong?" "That's wot I'm goneter find out.

"Now," he concluded, "ye're goneter git more exercise an' less grub arter this. Tuck it away fer future ref'rence thet th' next time yer cap'n talks to yer ye'd better show a little life. Now, jus' ter prove ye appreciate what he said, cheer. An' cheer good, ye dogs." They let out a howl. "Now back to yer kennels!"

Fourthly, it ain't goneter be easy to git away with what we does find with a couple of hundred natives at our heels, which they will be mighty soon. So, says I, we'd better quit dreamin' an' begin fishin' right erway." He paused to see what effect this had. Wilson nodded for him to go on. "Then we'll take another p'int; this here map starts from the hut where the heathen image lived.

"If I was goneter give a bright young man advice 'bout this very trip," he answered slowly, "it would be not to ask any questions." "I don't consider it very inquisitive to want to know what I'm shipping on," he returned with some heat. "Ye said ye wanted t' git somewhere near Carlina, didn't ye?" "Yes." "An' ye said ye didn't care how you gut there so long's ye gut there."

'Cause we're goneter wait fer the other fishermen." "I hope they have found as comfortable a fishing-ground as we have." He studied Stubbs a moment and then asked abruptly, "What's the meaning of this fishing story?" Stubbs turned upon him with a face as blank as the cloudless sky above.

This is," he affirmed, sweeping his pipe in a semicircle. "You're right there," agreed Wilson, the blue sky above clouding before his eyes. "I've heern there's goneter be an earthquake here some day. Swaller up the whole darned place. Guess it's so." Wilson studied the man once more; he began to think the fellow was a trifle light-headed.

Tell 'em we're goin' home, an' tell 'em thet when a 'Merican is bound fer home it don't pay fer ter try ter stop him. Tell 'em we ain't goneter wait we're goin' now." He turned to Wilson. "Come on," he commanded. Throwing up his arms he pressed back the men before him as a policeman brushes aside so many small boys.