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We had a bath, then supper, and evening prayers; after which we slung our hammocks to the trees, in which we rested well. It was a strangely weird- looking sight, and the noises were of a strange kind wallabies leaping past, and strange birds overhead. Mr. Goldie's Mare men joined with their countrymen, the teachers, in singing some of Sankey's hymns in English.

Katrina was giving a little party in honour of the daughter who was to fare forth into the wide world to save the home. Every one seemed to be weeping, both the housefolk and those who had come to bid the little girl Godspeed. Jan heard Glory Goldie's sobs away out in the yard, but they had no effect upon him. "My good people," he mumbled to himself, "this is as it should be.

Katrina was standing back in the room wrapping her big shawl around Glory Goldie's bundle of clothing. "You needn't bother with that, mother," said Glory Goldie without raising her head. "Can't you see that father is mad at me because I'm leaving?" "Then he'll have to get glad again," returned Katrina, calmly. "You say that because you don't care for him," said the girl, through her sobs.

"I'll take care of that," Alexander promised. "Now I'd like you to meet Old Doc's replacement. This is Dr. Kennon, our new veterinarian." "Pleased, I'm sure," Goldie said. "You look like a nice man." "He is," Alexander said, "but he's just as hard as Old Doc and he'll have the same powers. Goldie's the head housekeeper," Alexander added.

We are promised a start to-morrow. In the evening, the hunters came in with large supplies of wallaby. They report innumerable horses and foreigners as having gone to Kupele; we suppose it to be Goldie's party. From to-day's shooting, the old man got a green parrot, and devoured it raw. Oriope dressed himself in his fighting gear, and went through a few antics; he looked a perfect fiend.

August Där Nol took the letter and read it aloud, lingering over each word as if drinking it in. When he had finished, Jan remarked: "How wonderfully well you read, my dear August! I've never heard Goldie's words sound as beautiful as from your lips. Would you do me the favour to read the letter once more?" Then the boy read the letter for the second time, with the same deep feeling.

The largest crocodile I ever measured was 22 feet 3 inches, the largest gorilla 5 feet 7 inches. I am assured by the missionaries in Calabar, that there was a python brought into Creek Town in the Rev. Mr. Goldie's time, that extended the whole length of the Creek Town mission-house verandah and to spare. This python must have been over 40 feet. I have not a shadow of doubt it was.

Well good bye to you!" Jan hurried away so as not to be tempted to explain what that something else was. It had been on the tip of his tongue to say: "To-day is not only Glory Goldie's birthday, but it's also the birthday of my heart." It was as well, perhaps, that he did not say it, for Börje would surely have thought Jan had gone out of his mind.

Those are the regulation stage settings, I believe, and " "Don't worry, Miss Lansell. I didn't expect you to faint, or to show any human feelings whatever. I do pity your horse, though." "You didn't a minute ago," she reminded him. "You indulged in a bit of profanity, if I remember." "For which I beg Goldie's pardon," he retorted, his eyes unsmiling. "And mine, I hope." "Certainly."

Finally the boy rose to go. "It's so nice to get a little help sometimes," said Jan. "Now I have another favour to ask of you. We don't know just what to do with Glory Goldie's kitten. It will have to be put out of the way, I suppose, as we can't afford to keep it; but I can't bear the thought of that, nor has Katrina the heart to drown it. We've talked of asking some stranger to take it."