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"That's like them Church o' Englanders, a tearin' wan text away from t'others an' readin' it accordin' as they pleases. I'll expound it all to wance, as a God-fearin' man did ought to treat the Scriptures." Gray Michael's exposition illustrated nothing beyond his own narrow intellectual limitations.

'Orphan, eh? said the man of the house, looking down at me. 'Orphan, Uncle Eb answered, nodding his head. 'God-fearin' folks? 'Best in the world, said Uncle Eb. Want t' bind 'im out? the man asked. 'Couldn't spare 'im, said Uncle Eb, decisively. 'Where ye goin'? Uncle Eb hesitated, groping for an answer, I suppose, that would do no violence to our mutual understanding.

Lang or that, she had had a wean to a dragoon; she hadnae come forrit for maybe thretty year; and bairns had seen her mumblin' to hersel' up on Key's Loan in the gloamin', whilk was an unco time an' place for a God-fearin' woman. Howsoever, it was the laird himsel' that had first tauld the minister o' Janet; and in thae days he wad have gane a far gate to pleesure the laird.

He said Tull an' a few more dogs of hell builded their empire out of the hearts of such innocent an' God-fearin' women as Jane Withersteen. He called Tull a binder of women, a callous beast who hid behind a mock mantle of righteousness an' the last an' lowest coward on the face of the earth. To prey on weak women through their religion that was the last unspeakable crime!

The snow shifted her helm and fired a gun. The marooned wretches could scarce credit their amazing good fortune but a grave, slow-spoken fellow who had been a carpenter's mate in the Revenge thought the rejoicing premature. "When that God-fearin' skipper takes a look at us, he will sheer off and clap on sail, lads. For shipwrecked sailors you are a pizen lot o' mugs.

"No, never, not if you'd awnly turn your faace the right way. Theer's oceans o' comfort an' love waitin' for 'e, gal. You did belong to a hard world, as I knaws who have just comed from speech wi' your faither; but 'twas a world o' clean eatin' an' dressin' an' livin' a God-fearin' world leadin' up'ards on a narrer, ugly road, but a safe road, I s'pose. An' you left it.

"Ye didn't hear of me old grand-uncle, McNamara of County Sligo dyin' after a useless life and doin' the only thing that made me proud of him now that he's gone may he slape in peace lavin' the money he'd kept such a close fist on all his life to his God-fearin' nephew so that he can spind the rest of his days in comfort? Didn't ye hear that?" "I did not. And who was the nephew that came into it?"

The buck-Brahmin evaporates without explanations, an' the bhoy sets cross-legged on the Chaplain's bed prophesyin' bloody war to the men at large. Injia's a wild land for a God-fearin' man. I'll just tie his leg to the tent-pole in case he'll go through the roof. What did ye say about the war? 'Eight thousand men, besides guns, said Kim. 'Very soon you will see. 'You're a consolin' little imp.

All I mean is that there's as much difference betwixt a 'Dick' and a 'Richard' as there is betwixt a roastin' ear and a peck o' corn meal. Both of 'em's corn, and both of 'em may be good, but they ain't the same thing by a long jump. There's been a Richard in the Elrod family as far back as you could track 'em; all of 'em good, steady, God-fearin' men till Dick come along.

Hatch remarked with effusive amiability that "it's a sad sight to see a daughter go, even though she's a stepchild. It's a comfort to think," she added immediately, "that Judy's got a God-fearin', pious husband an' one with no nonsense about him for all his good looks."