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"Why, we'll sail her in ourselves me an' you an' glom all the salvage for ourselves. T'ell with Scraggs an' the Maggie an' that new mate an' engineer. I'm off'n 'em for life." Pop-eyed with excitement and interest, B. McGuffey, Esquire, stood up and with a single twist shed his cap and coat. His shirts followed. Both he and Gibney were already minus their shoes and socks.

"Smoke yore own, you hunk of misery. You had four extra sacks in yore warbags this morning." "Had? So you been skirmishin' round my warbags, have you? How many of those sacks did you rustle?" "I left two." "Two! Two! Say, I bought that tobacco myself for my own personal use, and not for a lazy, loafing, cow-faced lump of slumgullion to glom and smoke.

You're a commodore and I'm only a plain captain, but I'll follow wherever you lead. I'll go as far as the next man and we'll glom that black coral if we have to slaughter every man, woman, and child on the island. Only, when we're sizzlin' in a pot don't you up and say I never warned you, because I did. How d'ye propose intimidatin' the natives, Gib?"

A third unkempt individual thrust his head in at the door and remarked, "Hey, youse!" The cribbage players looked up. In explanation the man in the door held up a quarter between a calloused forefinger and thumb. A broad grin broke on the face of one of the players as he scraped back his chair and rose. "Cheese, Thumbscrew, where'd youse glom it?" he gasped ecstatically.

While fingers and fancy were thus busily employed, Hilda was startled by the sound of a voice which seemed to come from beyond the currant-bushes, very near her. She stood quite still and listened. "A-g, ag," said the voice; "g-l-o-m, glom, agglom; e-r er, agglomer; a-t-e, ate, agglomerate." There was a pause, and then it began again: "A-g, ag; g-l-o-m, glom," etc.

And the burden of his refrain was that never since Noah came out of the ark, "the sole survivor," and all the world his oyster, as it were, had there been such a chance to "glom" everything in sight for a song.

"Nothing fatal," she laughed gaily. "But tell me, Jap, what went wrong this morning?" The question recalled him to his grievances. "You know that scheme I told you about last night?" "Which one?" Mrs. Toomey searched her memory. "Don't you ever listen when I talk to you?" "I was so sleepy," apologetically. "That one to 'glom' all the land between Willow Creek and the mountain."

And believe me, I am going to buy her the doggondest best outfit I can glom my hands on." Peter caught Douglas' eye and almost imperceptibly shook his head. "I'm going too," repeated Mary. "You are not!" John's voice thickened. "You and Douglas run the place. If there's a rancher in the State deserves a vacation more than I do, I wish you'd name him."

But when yo're a-writin' out a check for twenty-four hundred dollars, just remember how I always told you somebody was gonna horn in here some day and glom half the range." "Laugh," said Mr. Saltoun. "Yo're shore the jokin'est feller, Tom Loudon. Even Racey and his partner are laughing." "I should think they would," Tom Loudon returned, savagely.