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For when she came to ponder every word, her suspicion was confirmed that Ghysbrecht did know something about Gerard. "And who were the two knaves he thought had done a good deed, and told me? Oh, my Gerard, my poor deserted babe, you and I are wading in deep waters." The visit to Tergou took more money than she could well afford; and a customer ran away in her debt.

He stooped suddenly; for just as he was going to burst out of the brushwood, his eye caught a figure keeping sentinel. It was Ghysbrecht Van Swieten seated on his mule; a bloody bandage was across his nose, the bridge of which was broken; but over this his eyes peered keenly, and it was plain by their expression he had heard the fugitives rustle, and was looking out for them.

The two women were so taken by surprise, that they merely stared at him and at one another, and said, "The burgomaster!" in a tone so expressive, that Ghysbrecht felt compelled to answer it. "Yes! I own the last time I came here was not on a friendly errand. Men love their own interest Eli's and mine were contrary. Well, let this visit atone the last.

My life on't they have taken him to where Ghysbrecht fell, and from the dead man's blood to the man that shed it that cursed hound will lead them, though Gerard should run through an army or swim the Meuse." And again he leaned upon his bow, and his head sank. The hound's mellow voice rang through the wood.

Girl, there was thunder in his eye and silence on his lips. Made me cold a did." "Oh, Jorian, what have you done?" cried Margaret. "Quick! quick! help me thither, for the power is gone all out of my body. You know him not as I do. Oh, if you had seen the blow he gave Ghysbrecht; and heard the frightful crash! Come, save him from worse mischief. The water is deep enow; but not bloody yet, come!"

He held on, looking at the soldier's retiring form as long as he could, then falling back somewhat heavily wrenched the rusty iron bar, held only by rusty nails, away from the stone-work just as Ghysbrecht Van Swieten opened the door stealthily behind him. The burgomaster's eye fell instantly on the iron, and then glanced at the window; but he said nothing.

And Jorian from that moment shrunk in and became impenetrable as a hedgehog, and almost as prickly. His conduct caused both the poor women agonies of mind, alarm, and irritated curiosity. Ghysbrecht was for some cause Gerard's mortal enemy; had stopped his marriage, imprisoned him, hunted him.

Bethink thee, the Church is not to be trifled with." "Alas! am I in a condition to trifle with her now? Avarice? Avarice?" He looked puzzled and innocent. "Hast thou ever robbed the fatherless?" inquired the friar. "Me? robbed the fatherless?" gasped Ghysbrecht; "not that I mind." "Once more, my son, I am forced to tell thee thou art trifling with the Church.

"What need to walk? There is my mule." "Your mule, Martin?" The old soldier or professional pillager laughed, and confessed he had got so used to her, that he forgot at times Ghysbrecht had a prior claim. To-morrow he would turn her into the burgomaster's yard, but to-night she should carry Margaret to Tergou.

Then, seeing Gerard, he cast a look of suspicion on Margaret, and rode on. The wayfarers did not know that more than half the wealth of the burgomaster belonged to old Peter Brandt, now dependent on Gerard for his soup; but Ghysbrecht knew it, and carried it in his heart, a scorpion of remorse that was not penitence. From that hour Gerard was in love with Margaret, and now began a pretty trouble.