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And since for once Gavegan was content merely to gloat over his triumph, there was stiff silence in the room until Miss Sherwood said in the cold voice of a judge after a jury has brought in a verdict of guilty: "Of course, if you think there is anything you may say for yourself, Mr. Brainard, you now have the chance to say it."

It'll hold you a hundred times tighter than any conspiracy charge. Casey, Gavegan hustle these two crooks out of here." The next moment Casey and Gavegan had handcuffs on the prisoners and were leading them out. "Good for you, Larry," Casey whispered warmly as he went by with Barney. "I knew you were going to win out, though it might be an extra-inning game!" At the door Barlow paused.

"Then here's mine! I told you I was holding back my high cards. Either you do as I say, and work with Gavegan and Casey, or you'll not be able to hold a job in New York! My men will see to that. And here's another high card. You do as I've said, or I'll hang some charge on you, one that'll stick, and back up the river you'll go for another stretch! There's an ultimatum for you to think about!"

When Maggie drove away with Dick from Cedar Crest this was an hour before Gavegan descended out of the blue upon Larry and two hours before he rode triumphantly away with his captive she was the most dazed and disillusioned young creature who had ever set out confidently to conquer the world.

"Well, I'll be if you ain't that crazy " Again the ability to express himself coherently and with restraint failed Gavegan. "If you ain't that painter that lived down at the Duchess's!" "Right, Gavegan as a detective always should be. And Larry Brainard was then, and is now, my friend." Miss Sherwood again spoke up sharply. "Mr.

"They're after him, anyhow, and are sore. All we've got to do is slip them word they'll do the rest!" And then with the sharper emphasis of an immediate plan: "We don't want to lose a minute. I know where Gavegan hangs out at this time of night. Come on!" With a bare "Good-night" to Maggie the two men hurried forth on their pressing mission.

Now get to hell out of here before Gavegan and Casey drop in for a cup of tea, or your old friends begin target practice with their hip artillery. I want a little quiet in which to finish my packing.

When he demanded the key, the Duchess told him of Maggie's departure and her carrying the key with her. It was a solid door, with strong lock and hinges; and two minutes of Gavegan's battering shoulders were required to make it yield entrance. Not till he found the room empty did Gavegan think of the trap and the roof. Larry made good use of these few extra minutes granted him.

Presently Barney finished the dreary drudgery of drink and sauntered out. Five minutes later, having exercised the proper caution, he was in Room 613, and the door was locked. "What's this dope you just handed Gavegan about Larry Brainard?" demanded Barlow. Barney gave his information, again, but this time more fully.

He never could forget the time he and Gavegan, he handcuffed, had been locked in a sound-proof cell, and Gavegan had given him the third degree in this case a length of heavy rubber hose, applied with a powerful arm upon head and shoulders in an effort to make him squeal upon his confederates. And that third degree was merely a sample of the material of which Gavegan was made.