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"Couldn't you manage ter mount behind me?" he questioned. "My pony's fit ter carry us both, I guess. Like as not, Broken Feather and his gang'll come back. You ain't anyways safe lyin' here, rain comin' on; an' the sooner a doctor sees you the better." "Broken Feather?" Kiddie repeated.

An' an', mind yer, toot that old horn good an' loud, so as everybody'll know we're a-comin'." As the automobile moved away he beamed with proud satisfaction. "Some swells we are heh? Skinny an' Chuck an' the gang'll be plumb crazy when they see us. Some class, I'll tell the world."

You just set back and pretend you don't want to sell at all. Colton, he'll bid and Jed and his gang'll bid. I'll tell each what the other bids, and we'll keep her jumpin'. When we get to the last jump, we'll sell and not afore. Of course Mr. Colton 'll get it, in the end." "Oh, he will! What makes you think so?" "What makes me think so? Don't be foolish. Ain't he a millionaire?

The right thing to do is for all hands to pitch right on to them in Mulberry Street, and then the game's in our own hands." "If that's the lark we have on foot, can ye promise that yer gang'll join us?" "Yes, sir, for we'd know that meant business." "How many could ye muster?" "I hardly know. We were a-growin' fast when I left." "Well, lead on loively.

Bennington, who had up to this time remained seated on the pile of stones, seemed filled with a new and great excitement. He tottered to his feet, throwing his hands aloft. "Thank God! Thank God!" he cried, catching his breath convulsively. Fay turned to look at him curiously. "We aren't that much out of the woods," he remarked; "the other gang'll get in their work, don't you fret."

My hoss has showed me the distance in fourteen, 'n' that's about where this gang'll stagger home. With the hop in him the Trampfast hoss'll give me two seconds better. He ought to be a swell bet. But the hop puts all the heart in him there is he ain't got one of his own. If he runs empty he'll lay down sure. I can't hop him, so I won't bet on him with counterfeit money.

Your father's gang'll be here sooner or later and they'd smash me, anyway. I could hardly fight 'em off with those few pistol shells but by God I'd like to try " He struggled for breath, and she thought he had slipped back into unconsciousness. But in a moment the faltering current of his speech began again. "Take the pistol and go," he told her.

Stick their damned heads into that trough beyant. Now be lively. The whole gang'll be on us in less than a minute." At midnight the situation at Moreno's ranch was a strange one. The occupants of the two rooms farthest to the east were being besieged by ten or fifteen outlawed men, some Mexican, some "Gringo," but all cut-throats, and up to this moment the besieged had had the best of it.

If we need a few axmen, we can pick 'em up at Marquette. I think this gang'll stick. I picked 'em." There was not a young man in the lot. They were most of them in the prime of middle life, between thirty and forty, rugged in appearance, "cocky" in manner, with the swagger and the oath of so many buccaneers, hard as nails.

A misdoubt me if there were a felly theere as would ha' thought o' routling out yon wasps' nest; it tak's a deal o' mother-wit to be up to things. But t' gang'll niver harbour theere again, one while. A only wish we'd cotched 'em. An' a should like t' ha' gi'en Hobbs a bit o' my mind. 'He's had his sauce, said Simpson, dolefully. 'Him and me is ruined.