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Why it was essential that she should, he alone knew, unless he was merely piqued by her quiet reserve, as a child is when it cannot fix the attention of a grown-up person. The Contessa and her daughter were to be of the party that day, and the carriage stopped where they lived, near the Forum of Trajan.

Eveline has much company and many admirers; but of all the number, I can fix upon no one to suspect." "There it is again! My God! what am I to do?" and with these words, Duffel paced up and down in the greatest apparent distress. "You surely can trust me with his name?" suggested Mr. Mandeville. "True, I can trust you with anything, only that I fear your indignation will betray me."

But I'll take you over with pleasure, Martin; any day you fix upon." "Get the yacht ship-shape, then," I said; "I think I can manage it on Thursday." I did not say at home whither I was bound on Thursday. I informed them merely that Captain Carey and I were going out in his yacht for a few hours. This was simply to prevent them from worrying themselves.

Then he had to fix on a trade; but he knew of none; and once, once upon a time, he had learnt some tricks from an Indian juggler; so he set up conjuring, and it answered so well that he took Thomas to help him as his man, you know, not as another conjuror, though Thomas has set it up now on his own hook.

Father Olavida alone remained standing; but at that moment the Englishman rose, and appeared determined to fix Olavida's regards by a gaze like that of fascination. Who? I cannot utter a blessing while he is here. I cannot feel one. Where he treads, the earth is parched! Where he breathes, the air is fire! Where he feeds, the food is poison! Where he turns his glance is lightning!

The wire cloth upon which the fibers are discharged is an endless belt, the full width of the paper machine. Upon this the fibers spread out evenly, being aided by a fan-shaped rubber or oil cloth, which delivers the smooth stream under a gate regulated to insure perfect evenness and to fix uniformly the fibers of the web now commencing its final formation.

"There are three men waiting for him at the door," said Holmes. "Oh, indeed. You seem to have done the thing very completely. I must compliment you." "And I you," Holmes answered. "Your red-headed idea was very new and effective." "You'll see your pal again presently," said Jones. "He's quicker at climbing down holes than I am. Just hold out while I fix the derbies."

There is no other alternative. But common sense, to say nothing of charity, permits no wholesale accusation of the laboring class: it is necessary, therefore, to throw the blame back upon our economic system. How is it that M. Fix did not see that his figures accused themselves? They hope that, in time, all, or almost all, laborers will deposit in the savings banks.

"My dear Miss Day," he stammered, "if you do not find this er lawyer, you mention, a lawyer will be assigned by the court to attend to things, and you would have to make your payments through him. In the meantime " he put the purse in her hand. "I am more sorry than I can tell you that I have had to fix this fine it is purely arbitrary I am very sorry "

If the importance of the truth be requisite to compleat the pleasure, it is not on account of any considerable addition, which of itself it brings to our enjoyment, but only because it is, in some measure, requisite to fix our attention.