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You see, I'm due at nine. I'm not physically incapable, and in the aeroplane I can easily do it if I can find the squadron. The Implacable was with the Blue fleet, operating from Bear Haven, I see. It's worth trying, anyhow." "Magnificent, but absurd," said Barracombe. "You won't find them, either." "A fiver that I will." "No, thanks. By the way, you owe me a fiver." "How's that?" "Look at this."

"It must have been Doubler. I heard it myself. I've just left Doubler, and he was cleaning his rifle. He must have been trying it. I do that myself, often, after I've cleaned mine, just to make sure it's right." He narrowed his eyes whimsically at her. "So you're riding the fiver trail again?" he said. "I thought you'd be doing it." "Why?" she questioned, defiantly.

"Here's mine," said Berrow, sturdily handing over a greasy fiver. "Now, Cap'n Tucker, cover that." "Come on," said the landlord encouragingly; "don't let him take the wind out of your sails like that." Tucker handed over five sovereigns. "High water's at 12.13," said the landlord, pocketing the stakes.

"You'll never know till their millennium comes," says the fiver. Just then a two-dollar bill behind me with a George Washington head, spoke up to the fiver: "Aw, cut out yer kicks. Ain't lisle thread good enough for yer?

You read the newspaper scrap I send along with this, and you'll be proud of your son. I'm a chip of the old block, and when my Newgate-frisk comes, I'll die game. Do you long to see your loving son? If you don't, send him a quid or two or put it at a fiver. Just for to enable him to lead an honest life, which is my ambition. You can come to a fiver.

Perhaps that might save her for a while at least. He lifted his hat, bowed, and had started to walk away, when she ran after him and clutched him by the arm. "Take back that fiver," said she, "an' come and eat with me. If you got a heart, come an' eat with me. I know a little place we can get somethin' decent: it's a dago caffay, but it's clean an' decent enough. Will you come?"

One of the others, Marty Dean this time, a certain brutal aggressiveness in both features and physique, edged forward. "Say, what's the lay?" he demanded. "A joke? We printed one fiver off that plate and then we knew enough to quit. With that crack along the corner, you couldn't pass 'em on a blind man!

"'Perhaps! 'Not always! Great Scott, I'll have a fiver each way on both those. Considering you've treated me like a frightful kid practically ever since you've known me, I call that pretty rich! Why, what about this very night, when I asked you for a few pounds?" "It was only the thought that you had been gambling " "Gambling! How about palming off faked diamonds on Aunt Julia for a gamble?"

But you're on no account to tell them that I've seen you and that you've spilt to me do you understand?" The informant understood readily enough, and promised with equal readiness, even going so far as to say that that would suit him down to the ground. "All right," said Triffitt, "keep a still tongue as regards me, and there'll be another fiver for you. Now, Carver, we'll get."

"Could you find your way to the house again?" suggested Jimmy, as Botting took off his cap and rubbed his crown. "Like a shot, guvnor." "Jump up, then," said Jimmy. "The moment I hear that the young lady has been at the house you shall have the fiver and a good tip beyond your fare."