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But one evening as I was entering the low-browed slimy archway by which it was approached from Oxford Street, a young policeman stopped me and asked me if I knew where I was going. I told him that I was quite intimate with the place and quite safe there. "Well, sir," he answered, "you know your own business best, but I wouldn't go along there for a fiver."

"I'll lend you a fiver or a tenner, if you like, Miss Slater." "You could not do it if you tried, and now the roast pork's off." The witticism was received with a roar from her admirers, and satisfied with her victory, she said "And now, you girls, you come and have drinks with me. What will you have, Kitty, what will you have? give it a name." Kitty protested but was forced to sit down.

"Don't leave yoh would-be step-pappy without some kind of reminder. A fiver 'd go mighty fine jest now, an' you wouldn't never miss it!" Brent had wheeled on him. "You're getting in mighty dangerous ground, Tom," he warned sharply.

"An excellent idea," said his parent. "It must be rather slow for you here." Frank got more and more encouraged. "The only trouble is, I find myself rather short of funds." "How much do you want?" The going was too smooth to last, thought Frank. He became cautious. "Oh, a tenner or so, I suppose," he suggested. "A tenner!" exclaimed his father. "Say a fiver, then," said Frank hurriedly.

The passengers climbed to their places, thinking hard. A mile or so along the road the man with the cork hat remarked, with much truth 'Those blanky Bushmen have got too much time to think. The Bushmen returned to the shanty as soon as the coach was out of sight, and proceeded to 'knock down' the fiver. Jimmy Grimshaw's Wooing.

"I think that the lady in question has done something like that before, George." "That was years ago and under pressure. Now, Eustace, you have made this charge; you have upset my faith in Madeline, whom I hope to marry, and I say, prove it prove it if you can. I will stake my life you cannot." "Don't agitate yourself, my dear fellow; and as to betting, I would not risk more than a fiver.

Still it was necessary to salve my conscience before I possessed myself of Charlie's thoughts. "Let's make a bargain. I'll give you a fiver for the notion," I said. Charlie became a bank-clerk at once. "Oh, that's impossible. Between two pals, you know, if I may call you so, and speaking as a man of the world, I couldn't. Take the notion if it's any use to you. I've heaps more."

These two worthy men went to the Hotel and talked the matter over with Howell. The jolly landlord slapped his knee and laughed. He said: "You are right, Bill. She'll go, I'll bet a fiver, and here it is, Lock; you take it to help you along." This base conspiracy was successful, and that was the reason Frank was so sulky on that harvest morning. He was meditating vengeance.

To be the real thing you fellows ought to work till the sun goes down, doing 'chores. I'll wager a fiver you come in and get your bath every night before dinner, eh?" "We certainly do," Jarvis laughed. "And you don't sit down in your shirt-sleeves?" "Well hardly." "You're not the real thing never will be. Look at those girls!" He pulled off his straw hat as two figures appeared in the doorway.

"You see, this morning the poundman got Maria's two cows and the baby calf, and well, it happened that Maria didn't have any money, and so I had to recover her cows for her. That's where the Transcontinental fiver went 'The Ring of Bells' went into the poundman's pocket." "Then you won't come?" He looked down at his clothing. "I can't."