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Jennie's black eyes snapped. "I heard that before ever you did." "Lie not one to another," repeated Dotty, slowly. "Now, I'm one, Jennie, and you're another; and isn't it wicked when we tell the leastest speck of a fib?" "Of course 'tis," was the prompt reply; "but I don't tell 'em." "O, Jennie, who told your step-mother that Charlie Gray was tied up in a meal-bag?

And he would not have called without some previous acquaintance. This you will have to describe, and if you say that you merely knew him at Exeter, there will be in that case an additional fib." The use of such words applied to herself by this woman was intolerable. But she could only answer them by an involuntary frown upon her brow.

She told her mother everything before she went to bed, sat on her father's knee when she was too old and much too tall for it, dreamed of lovers, hid trembling when they came, had palpitations, never told a fib or refused a sweetmeat; she was, in fact, just the honest, red-cheeked, pretty, shy simpleton of a lass you will meet by the round dozen in our country, who grows into the plump wife of Master Church-warden-in-broadcloth, bears a half-score children, gets flushed after midday dinner, and would sooner miss church than the postman any day in the year.

It always seemed to her too dreadful for anyone not to have a way out, even if it implied a fib. "Weren't there very many on the bushes?" she asked. But he refused it with a characteristic integrity. "Oh yes, there were lots there," he said. A silence fell. The little dog, sensitively aware of something wrong, whined uneasily, and pawed at Paul's hand. But Paul did not look down at him.

I thought of all the evil deeds of my short life of pinching Felix to make him cry out at family prayers, of playing truant from Sunday School and going fishing one day, of a certain fib no, no away from this awful hour with all such euphonious evasions of a LIE I had once told, of many a selfish and unkind word and thought and action.

Johnson again obeyed the Weights are always obedient and Charley of course appropriated the second portion to his own purposes. 'Oh, Charley, that was a fib now wasn't it? You shouldn't have said it was for a lady. 'But then I shouldn't have got it. 'Oh, but that's no reason; according to that everybody might tell a fib whenever they wanted anything.

"But the main reason," he continued, "that sent us to glide this minute over the canal system of the Bride of the Adriatic was the necessity of bracing you up after what you'd been through." "Well," I said, "it's been very successful. I'm all braced up. I'm glad we have had such a good excuse for coming." A fib is sometimes necessary to one's self-respect.

"I'll remember that," said Mary, and then she made another little furtive attempt to open the book. "And about your own stockings, Mary. Nothing is so useful to a young woman in your position as a habit of darning neat. I'm sometimes almost afraid that you don't like darning." "Oh yes I do." That was a fib; but what could she do, poor girl, when so pressed?

Frank felt that he could forgive the big fellow the fib. He knew well enough that Dade Morgan was getting his money from Richard Starbright, who, in order to earn anything, was working like a dog on a newspaper. The fact that he was helping Morgan along Starbright wished to conceal. Instantly Merry knew the situation was one to be investigated.

It was only my fun, Fred," he cried hastily, to make honest confession of his fib. "But don't go on like that. Come out now, and let's get back. It makes me so hot."