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"Will you have the right hand or the left?" said she, smiling. "The left," said he, "for I suppose you mean the truth or a fib." "Well, then, I saw him," she said, speaking into the lawyer's ear. "And as I saw him looking so sad, so out of heart, I said to myself, Has he a cigar? Has he any money?" "If you wish for the truth, I can tell it you," said the lawyer.

Her cousin looked relieved. "I want you to fib for me," she said. "You know the way the men stick together.... Well, the women have to do it, too.... At dinner yesterday," she continued, "Wally happened to ask me where I was going that evening, and I told him I was coming over to see you. And really, dear, I meant it at the time.

Even Lion, who is so noble, so grand, seemed to think when I was a mere infant that I was a little queen: once when I told a fib he did not scold me; but I never saw him look so sad and so angry as when he said, 'Never again forget that you are a lady. And, but I tire you " "Tire me, indeed! go on."

Laura's intention had been to shield Mother from criticism, as well as to spare Miss Day's feelings. But to have done it so clumsily as this! To have had to wince under Miss Day's scepticism! It was only a wonder the governess had not there and then taxed her with the fib. For who believed in old nurses nowadays? Why could she not have said Sarah, the servant, the maid-of-all-work?

But I say, Master Waller, you can fib when you like!" "How dare you!" cried Waller angrily. "How have I fibbed or lied to you? Didn't I own it to you directly, sir, as soon as I was sure you knew?" "Oh, well, I suppose you did, Master Waller. Beg pardon! Don't be waxy with me, lad." "Here, tell me who is likely to know." "Why, Joe Hanson, like as anybody, I should say.

"It's wicked to fib; you've whipped that into me and you can't rub it out," he was wont to say, with vivid recollection of the past tingling in the chubby portions of his frame. "Mind your chips, Toady, and take care what you say to Aunt Kipp, or you'll be as poor as a little rat all the days of your life," said Polly, warningly.

It would be an immense pleasure to me to have so charming a creature as yourself to present to the world." "I go out with my mother," said Rose, after a moment. "Yes, but sometimes when she's not inclined?" "She goes everywhere she wants to go," Rose continued, uttering the biggest fib of her life and only regretting it should be wasted on Mrs. Donovan.

Her clumsy fib had let him see that she had something to conceal; and she was sure he had a score to settle with her. Something in his smile told her he had not forgotten. She turned from the thought with a little shiver, but it hung on her all the way to the station, and dogged her down the platform with the persistency of Mr. Rosedale himself.

'Emily, he began, still with a remnant of artificial pleasantry, though his voice was not entirely under control, 'I want to explain that money-matter to you. It doesn't look well; I am a good deal ashamed of myself; if I was a boy I should deserve a whipping for telling a fib, shouldn't I? It was impossible to make reply to such words.