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"It's this," said Dolly, solemnly, "Alicia is planning to elope with Marly Turner." There were four astonished faces that greeted this announcement, but none showed such blank amazement as Alicia's own. "Oh, Dolly!" she cried. "Oh, Dolly Fayre! You will be the death of me yet! Go on, tell them more!" "That's about all I know.

And when he has laid on his arrest the foul worms will be busy with this flesh be it never so fayre and so tender, and the silly soul, I fear, shall be so feeble that it can neither carry with it gold garnissing, tarjetting, pearls, nor precious stones!"

"'I took a walk around the block, to get some exercise," Dotty chanted, imitating a popular song which was a favourite with the boys. "Exercise! I've had enough to last me the rest of the summer! Honest, Dot, I've got to rest a few minutes; I can't walk another step." "Dollyrinda Fayre, you do give out the easiest of anybody I ever saw! Sit down on that stone and rest, do.

The idle tale that James trembled at the mere view of a naked sword, which is produced as an instance of the effects of sympathy over the infant in the womb from his mother's terror at the assassination of Rizzio, is probably not true, yet it serves the purpose of inconsiderate writers to indicate his excessive pusillanimity; but there is another idle tale of an opposite nature which is certainly true: In passing from Berwick into his new kingdom, the king, with his own hand, "shot out of a cannon so fayre and with so great judgment" as convinced the cannoniers of the king's skill "in great artillery," as Stowe records.

"Now, look here, Dolly Fayre," and Alicia's eyes flashed, "I won't be dictated to by a little country ignoramus! I've had experience in the ways of the world, and you haven't. Now suppose you let me alone. It's none of your business, as you very well know." "Dolly was only advising you for your own good!"

"Doll will enjoy everything to the limit, but it won't hurt her disposition or upset her happiness to see the sights of the city for a short time. Oh, please, Mr. Fayre, do let her go." "Just as her mother thinks," and Mr. Fayre smiled at the insistent Bernice. "Tell me of the household," said Mrs. Fayre. "Is your brother's wife living?" "Jeff has never been married," replied Mr. Forbes.

"We'll be awfully good, so good you won't know us." "We don't know you, anyway," laughed Alicia, and the first boy responded, "Sure enough. Roof's the introduction, you know, but I'll add that this marvellously handsome companion of mine is one Geordie Knapp, and I'm Ted Hosmer, very much at your service." "Well," said Alicia, "we're Miss Forbes, Miss Fayre, Miss Rose and Miss Steele.

The third of May being Holyroode day, our Captaine for the solemnitie of the day, caused a goodly fayre crosse of 35 foote in height to bee set vp, vnder the crosset of which hee caused a shield to be hanged, wherein were the Armes of France, and ouer them was written in antique letters, Franciscus primus Dei gratia Francorum Rex regnat.

"Hello! what is it?" responded that gentleman sleepily, for he had been roused from a sound slumber. "I'm Briggs, the station agent. That little yellow-haired girl you brought with you last night is here in the station. Says she's goin' home." "Dolly Fayre! At the station? Impossible!" "Yep. She's here. And she's just about all in. You don't want I should let her go on the train, do you?"

Nor was it on other tables that were about the room; nor on any chair or shelf or settee or window-sill. "Where CAN it be?" said Dotty, greatly alarmed, lest Dolly's having fastened it to her dress should have been the means of losing it. "Are you sure you removed it from your frock, Miss Fayre?" asked Fenn, and at that moment Dolly took a dislike to the man.