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Dorothy stood a little apart, watching us, her eyes that faraway blue of the deepening skies at twilight. "Indeed, I have no fear of him, captain," she said gently. Then, with a quick movement, impulsive and womanly, she unpinned a little gold brooch at her throat, and gave it to him, saying: "In token of my gratitude for bringing him back to us." John Paul raised it to his lips.

The children knew there was no place toys could be had in that faraway forest, so of course Santa Claus had brought them when he came! The revelation that there was a really and truly Santa Claus gave Dot and Don more happiness than anything else, for, at home, some of the boys and girls said it was all make-believe.

The president, great and good man that he was, forgave us, finally, after many interviews and such wholesome reproof as made us all ashamed of our folly. In my second year, at college, Hope went away to continue her studies in New York She was to live in the family of John Fuller, a friend of David, who had left Faraway years before and made his fortune there in the big city.

The woman who drove the car manifestly was of a station in life far removed from those who stood watch near the opening in the hedge-topped wall that gave entrance to the grounds of the Faraway Country Club. Muffled and goggled as she was, it was easily to be seen that she was of a more delicate, aristocratic mould than the others, and yet they were all of a single mind.

"Yes," said the squire, "uncommonly lucky as usual. Now, excuse my abruptness in changing the subject I want to consult you upon an important matter." The vicar looked up quickly with that vague, faraway expression which comes into the eyes of a student when he is suddenly called away from contemplating some object of absorbing interest. "Certainly," he said, "certainly a by all means."

"The big fight," replied Tom. "Hear the general," gibed Bart. "I've understood that Tom was General Pershing's right bower," put in Billy. "They say he doesn't do a thing without him," said Bart. "It's a pity that Tom didn't live in Napoleon's time," laughed Frank. "He'd have been a marshal sure." "Napoleon," repeated Billy, with a faraway look in his eyes. "Where have I heard that name before?"

''Fraid she won't never be very good t' worlt. 'Why not? I enquired. 'Han's are too little an' white, he answered. 'She won't have to, I said. He cackled uproariously for a moment, then grew serious. 'Her father's rich, he said, 'the richest man o' Faraway, an I guess she won't never hev anything t' dew but set'n sing an' play the melodium. 'She can do as she likes, I said.

Well, she was charming and beautiful, but different, and probably not more different than was I. She was no longer the laughing, simple-mannered child of Faraway, whose heart was as one's hand before him in the daylight. She had now a bit of the woman's reserve her prudence, her skill in hiding the things of the heart.

She was waiting for him to answer; and he did answer, though it was as if she had thrown him over a precipice, and he were hanging by some branch which would let him crash down in an instant to the bottom of an unknown abyss. "No, I never guessed." Queer how quiet, how utterly expressionless his voice was! He heard it in faraway surprise.

"Owl" cars, bringing in last passengers over distant trolley-lines, now and then howled on a curve; faraway metallic stirrings could be heard from factories in the sooty suburbs on the plain outside the city; east, west, and south, switch-engines chugged and snorted on sidings; and everywhere in the air there seemed to be a faint, voluminous hum as of innumerable wires trembling overhead to vibration of machinery underground.