United States or Christmas Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

At all events he was so economical that he seldom wasted any words, and the words that he did waste were not worth saving; they were not very nice words. Old Trimmer chugged up to the edge of the island in the shabbiest, leakiest little motor dory on the river, and grasped a little tuft of greensward to keep his boat from drifting. "Well, now, what's all this?" he began.

We sold three boatfuls in the one day and whacked up about seventy dollars what do you think of that? Then we chugged around into Coney for gas and on the way back we got mussed up with the tide and were carried out to sea banged around for three days, bailing and trying to fry fish on the muffler.

Harris, with the first interest he had showed. "Somebody's trying to block the game, that's what!" sputtered Mr. Fulton. "Here, boys, take the canfull in and put it in the shop engine. If she can take it I guess we're worrying for nothing." For a moment or so it looked as if that were the case; the engine chugged away in its usual steady manner.

Many times they had to bury their noses in their handkerchiefs to shut out the smells that assailed them on every side. On they chugged, past the lumber yards with their acres of stacked boards, some of which had come from the very neighborhood of Camp Winnebago; past the chemical works, pouring out its darkly polluted streams into the river.

Besides, we're not going to be out after dark, are we? You're just going straight over to St. Pierre and back?" "That's all," said the Captain. "Just to mail this letter and buy some alcohol for Uncle Teddy and some peanuts for the chippies. Hadn't ought to take more than an hour and a half altogether." He started the engine and off they chugged. They reached St.

He did not remember where in the blind pointless ring through which the steamer chugged and wallowed as though it were a superior sort of water beetle and the horizon a circle of its own making, he began to get sufficiently acquainted with his fellow passengers, to understand that they were most of them going abroad in the interest of unrealized estates, and abounded in confidence.

While Barney slept the headquarters of an Austrian army corps had moved in and taken possession of the building, the back of which abutted upon the court where lay his modest little shed. Barney took it all in at a single glance, but his eyes hung long and greedily upon the great, high-powered machines that chugged or purred about him. Gad!

We're going to hit it straight for camp now the three of us the Big Three and you're with us because we can't do without you. Do you get that?" "Roy," said Pee-wee, speaking with difficulty. "I I had an adventure." "Well, I should think you did." The scouts of the village stood upon the wharf and waved a last good-bye to the three as the Good Turn chugged merrily away.

Winslow than the rough and wet path, they chugged over in the motor boat, and were met at the landing by Abel and Mrs. Abel, who saw them coming and ran down to meet them, with much good-natured laughter, and ushered them into the cabin where, after the hospitable fashion of the country, they were called upon to drink tea. "Bobby," suggested Mr.

As the fishing smack chugged away with her auxiliary engine toward the docks of the town, the S. P. 888 swung in a narrow circle and put out to sea so swiftly that in five minutes she was completely out of sight in the fog and almost out of sound as well.