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On returnin to the Kitchin I found quite a lot of peple seated be4 the fire, a talkin the event over. They made room for me & I sot down. "Quite a eppisode," sed Docter Jordin, litin his pipe with a red-hot coal. "Yes," sed I, "2 eppisodes, waying abowt 18 pounds jintly." "A perfeck coop de tat," sed the skoolmaster.

"Wall," sez I, in agitated axents, "don't you try to go into no such enterprise, Josiah Allen." I remembered the eppisode of the afternoon, and I sez in anxins axents, and affectionate, "Besides not lookin' well, it is dangerous, awful dangerous.

I love 'em," sez I, a beginnin' to eppisode a little unbeknown to me, "I love 'em jest as I love the soft unbroken silence of the early spring mornin', the sun all palely tinted with rose and blue, and the earth alayin' calm and unwoke-up, fresh and fair. I love such a mornin' and such a life, for itself and for the unwritten prophecis in it.

A few days follerin' on and ensuin' after this eppisode, Submit Tewksburv wuz a takin' supper with me. She had come home with me from the meetin' house where we had been to work all day. I had urged her to stay, for she lived a mile further on the road, and had got to walk home afoot.

What a hand to eppisode I be when I git to goin'. I must stop this very minute, or I'll have the tragedy Alfred Tennyson speaks on "Dyin' a Listener," on my hands. Unter der Linden is as beautiful and imposing an avenue as I see on my tower, with tall, handsome houses risin' up on each side on't. And there are beautiful parks and pleasure ground and places of recreation of all kinds.

No; she is a woman who stalks on towards goles and don't mind who or what she upsets on her way. She is a woman who a-chasin' sinners slams the door in the faces of saints. A remarkable instance of this memory onrolled on her panorama a eppisode that took place in our own Jonesville meetin'-house.

He hired out for a year the very next day after the eppisode, to work for twenty dollars a month on a farm, house rent, wood, and cow furnished. Kellup Wind is goin' to live with a daughter, and Karen is blissful at thought of keepin' house for Jabez. Good creeter! I hope she will have a little rest now. I said I meant to go and see her jest as soon as she wuz settled.

But howsumever Ardelia went there, and my companion and me arrove at the abode where we wuz to abide, with no eppisode only the triflin' one of the driver bein' dretful mistook as to the price he asked to take us there. I thought, and Josiah thought, that 50 cents wuz the outlay of expendatur he required to carry us where we would be; it wuz but a short distance. But no!

And I said a few words to Josiah on the danger and cruelty to me of his hasty opinion and suspicion and in the cause of Duty I mentioned the late eppisode of himself and Uncle Sime, and he seemed mortified and apologetic for as many as three minutes. But it didn't last, it never duz with his sect.

"You mustn't tromple so fast on your way to the gole as to walk over and upset two or three lame ones and paryletics." Sez I, "Do you remember my eppisode with Sister Blanker, Josiah?" He did not frame a reply to me, but sot off to look at sunthin' or ruther, sayin' that he would come back in a few minutes.