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She gave, as an encore, a jolly little new thing of his quite simple but everybody wanted it twice over; an air like summer wind blowing through a pine wood, with an accompaniment like a blackbird whistling; words something about 'On God's fair earth, 'mid blossoms blue' I forget the rest. Go ahead, Bill!" "There is no room for sad despair, When heaven's love is everywhere."

When I had finished my encore, the dear old Colonel got up to thank theperformer”—and he couldn’t do it; there was a lump in his throat and big tears were rolling down his cheeks. “Boys, I can’t say what I want to, but,” said he, “we have all got to be better men.”

«§ 642. Je trouvai que c'étoient encore des granits veinés, mélangés de quartz, de feldspath, de mica et de fer qui colore la pierre en se décomposant au-dehors: cette teinte pénètre même quelquefois assez avant dans l'intérieur. Ces rochers sont divisés par couches bien distinctes,

But the British public is always very faithful to its favourites, and the audience, realising at last that the new singer was not going to bestow an encore, promptly exerted itself to welcome the French pianist in a befitting manner. When Diana reappeared for her second group of song's the excitement was intense.

'Edmond, encore un vermouth, cries a man in velveteen, adding in a tone of apologetic afterthought, 'un double, s'il vous plait. 'Where are you working? asks one in pure white linen from top to toe. 'I couldn't do a thing to it. I ran out of white. Where were you? 'I wasn't working.

But before the encore could be responded to, a familiar sound in the court without, sent the girls scampering to their respective rooms. Dr. Isaac, reluctantly relinquishing his chance for administering prompt and dramatic chastisement, came down the stairs and out to the entry. An ambulance had just arrived, and behind it was a big private car, and behind that Dr. Adair's own neat runabout. Dr.

Depuis ce revers, ils tenterent encore de pénétrer dans la France; ils s'emparerent même d'Avignon; mais Charles Martel les défit de nouveau, réprit cette ville, leur enleva Narbonne, et leur ota pour jamais l'espérance dont ils s'étaient flattés si longtemps."

I asked a woman to-day if she still contrived to have access to the priests, and she replied, "Ah, oui, il y a encore de la facilite, par ce que l'on ne trouve pas des gardes ici qui ne sont pas pour eux."* * "Yes, yes, we still contive it, because there are no guards to be found here who don't befriend them."

But the scamps tightened him up to such an extent in his jacket and belts that he was more dead than alive, and on the brink of an apopletic attack, by the time he got on board. We gave the royal family the best welcome at our command. My bandmaster, M. Paulus, entertained them with his noisiest tunes; but whenever the band stopped the king cried "Encore! encore!"

He played one or two selections, and being tremendously applauded, and correspondingly gratified, he returned and answered the encore with the well-known "Old Glory." He was in his best vein, and played as one inspired. The audience literally rose with him, leaving their seats in their excitement, and the applause lasted several minutes.