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We left her, however, getting dinner under way, and went back to the others, whom we soon set laughing by telling poor Eleanor's misadventures. We were all in good spirits now. A brisk cool wind had come up from the south, following the earthquake, making a pleasant rustle as it swept across the plain or tossed the forest boughs.

Eleanor's temperament does make it more wonderful." It was after this act of revealing and unnecessary courage, that the Houghton family entirely accepted Eleanor. There were a few days of anxiety about her, and about Maurice, too; for, though his slight concussion was not exactly alarming yet, "Keep your shirt on," Doctor Bennett cautioned him; "don't get gay. And don't talk to Mrs. Curtis."

"Think of your singing lessons with Madame Martelli," said Margaret, who was quietly watching the struggle with herself to which Eleanor's changing face bore eloquent witness. That clenched the matter. Eleanor gave in; but this time it was she who found it difficult to meet Margaret's eyes. "Oh, Margaret," she said, "if you appeal to my ambition my better self goes under.

I have always said that I should go to a conservatory, and since Eleanor's father has given me so much encouragement, I've made up my mind to become a concert singer if possible. I'll stay a year in the conservatory at least, and at the end of that time I'll know whether I am justified in going on studying."

"Betty Wales," she said, "do you know what you interrupted just now? Beatrice Egerton was just going to tell me the inside facts about Eleanor's story in the 'Argus." "Was she?" said Betty steadily. "If there are any inside facts, as you call them, don't you think Eleanor is the one to tell you?" "Oh, I don't know," said Jean carelessly. "Eleanor's so tiresome.

Carolyn Doty is dying to ask you a lot more questions about the Red Desert. She confided to me that you were the most interesting talker " Miss Eleanor's interruption was calculated to temper the passed-on praise. "He has been simply boring me to death, mamma, until just a few minutes ago. I shall tell Carolyn that she is too easily pleased." Mrs.

They had made the journey back to Rome, partly by vetturino, driving from Orvieto to Bolsena and Viterbo, and spending a night on the way at a place of remote and enchanting beauty which had left a deep mark on Eleanor's imagination.

In Eleanor of Toledo's dining-room there are some rich and elaborate green jugs which I remember very clearly and also the ceiling of her workroom with its choice of Penelope as the presiding genius. Both Eleanor's chapel and that in which Savonarola prayed before his execution are shown.

Her hair is very white, but her face looks young, only she has the saddest expression I ever saw on any one's face." "I should think she would look sad after seventeen years of Eleanor's whims," remarked Nora bluntly. "It would wear me out to be with her continually, she is so changeable." "Mrs.

"Why," said Uncle Tom, "what zeal for learning!" "My dear," said Aunt Mary, who, you may be sure, knew all about that school before Cousin Eleanor's letter came, "Miss Turner insists upon hard work, and the discipline is very strict." "No young men," added Uncle Tom. "That," declared Aunt Mary, "is certainly an advantage." "And no chocolate cake, and bed at ten o'clock," said Uncle Tom.