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Rolfe depend upon his zeal in this search, as in any other matter in which he could be of use to her. Unfortunately, this envelope came under Harvey's eyes, and Alma, knowing he had seen it, felt obliged to speak. 'Mr. Dymes refuses to believe that I shall never play again in public, she remarked, putting down his letter, as carelessly as possible, by her plate at breakfast. 'Does he pester you?

He had half a mind to start tomorrow for the Syrian deserts. 'Do let us see you again soon, said his hostess, as he took leave of her. 'Come in at five o'clock on Wednesday, that's our quiet day; only a few of our real friends. We shall be in town till Christmas, for certain. On the stairs he passed Mr. Felix Dymes, the composer of 'Margot'. 'Oh, it's the easiest thing in the world, Mr.

Alma met this young lady, but they did not take to each other; Miss Wellington was a trifle 'loud', and, unless Alma mistook, felt fiercely jealous of any one admired by Felix Dymes. Wellington borrowed Dymes's flat for an afternoon, and there, supported by the distinguished composer, received a strange medley of people who interested themselves in her daughter's venture.

However, you know one thing if I can be of use to you, I shall. I'll think it over your chances and so on; something may suggest itself. You're not cut out for everyday things. 'I try to hope not. 'Ah, but you can take my word for it. With this comforting assurance, Felix Dymes departed. No melodrama; a hand-grip, a significant nod, a loud humming as he went downstairs.

'Oh, I shall be busier than ever. Mr. Dymes hopes to arrange for me at several of the large towns. Harvey smiled, and Alma observed him with irritation she could scarcely repress. Of course, his smile meant a civil scepticism. 'By-the-bye, he asked, 'is Dymes the comic opera man? 'Yes. I rather wondered, Harvey, whether you would awake to that fact. He will be one of our greatest composers.

Rayner Mann's concert was well attended, and Alma's violin solo, though an audience more critical than she had yet faced made her very nervous to begin with, received much applause. Felix Dymes, not being able to get a seat at her side, stood behind her, and whispered his admiration. 'You've gone ahead tremendously. That isn't amateur playing.

Felix Dymes had two manners of conversation. In a company at all ceremonious, and when it behoved him to make an impression, he talked as the artist and the expert in music, with many German phrases, which he pronounced badly, to fill up the gaps in his knowledge.

She rose, talked a little of she knew not what with she knew not whom, and moved towards the hostess, by whom her enemy was sitting. A glance sufficed. As soon as she had taken leave, Dymes followed her. He came up to her side at a few yards from the house, and they walked together, without speaking, until Alma turned into the first quiet street.

Dymes had suggested a meeting at three o'clock, and to this Alma had already given her assent by telegraph. She lunched with Mrs. Carnaby, who talked a great deal about the Renaissance, left immediately after, to visit a few shops, and drove up to the Apollo Theatre at the appointed time.

Alma, dreamy for a moment, recovered herself, and asked, in a disinterested tone 'We paid all expenses, I suppose? 'Well not quite. 'Not quite? I understood from you that there was no doubt about it. 'I thought, said Dymes, as he bent forward familiarly, 'that my silence would let you know how matters stood. If there had been anything due to you, of course I should have sent a cheque.