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Part of her scheme was still undisclosed: she had a special reason for wishing Sibyl to know of her relations with Felix Dymes, yet feared that she might not hit exactly the right tone in speaking of him. 'Of course, I must have a man of business and who do you think has offered his services?

Among the half-dozen people to whom she decided to write was Felix Dymes; not out of gratitude, or any feeling of friendliness, but because she could not overcome a certain fear of the man. He was capable of any meanness, perhaps of villainy; and perhaps he harboured malice against her, seeing that she had foiled him to the last.

Dymes was saying, 'to compose a song that will be popular. I'll give you the recipe, and charge nothing You must have a sudden change to the minor, and a waltz refrain that's all. Oh yes, there's money in it. I know a man who Rolfe had never left the house in such a bad temper.

'I give you my word, she began, 'that I know nothing whatever about that paper. 'I believe you, and I'm sorry I made a row, Dymes replied. 'There's no harm done. I dare say I shall be hearing more about it. 'I have some photographs here, said Alma, touching her sealskin bag. 'Will you take them? 'Thanks. But there's a whole lot of things to be arranged. We can't talk here.

With sleep she recovered; but through the next day, dull and idle, her thoughts kept such a gloomy colour that she well-nigh brought herself to the resolve with which she had threatened Felix Dymes. But for the anticipation of Harvey's triumph, she might perhaps have done so. For several days she had not touched the violin. There was no time for it.

'And yet you were fast friends not long ago, weren't you? asked Dymes, with a look of genuine curiosity. 'We don't always know people as well as we think. Where is that woman living now? I mean, Mrs. Strangeways. 'That's more than I can tell you. She is or is supposed to be out of town. I saw her last just before she left her house. 'Is the other in town? 'Mrs. Carnaby? I don't know.

The fact of being in her own house was, of course, a protection, but Dymes, she quite understood, had altered in mind towards her. She treated him distantly, yet without a hint of unfriendliness. 'I began to wonder whether I had missed a letter of yours. It's some time since you promised to write on business.

I was going to say, Dymes pursued, 'that the story Mrs. S. has been telling seems to me very clumsy, and that's why I don't think the other has any hand in it. She seemed to have forgotten that Redgrave's housekeeper, who was wanted by the police, wasn't likely to put herself in Carnaby's way the man she had robbed. I pointed that out, but she only laughed.

People have talked about you a good deal, wondering why on earth you dropped out of sight so suddenly after that splendid start; and it was only natural they should connect your name with the Carnaby affair, knowing, as so many did, that you were a friend of theirs, and of Redgrave too. 'I knew Mr. Redgrave, said Alma, 'but I was no friend of his. Dymes peered at her.

Harvey had succeeded in hiding his annoyance at the large debt to Dymes, a sum he could ill afford; but he was glad to have paid it, and pleased with Alma's way of dismissing it to oblivion. The talk that followed had turned his mind upon a graver trouble: he sat thinking of Hugh Carnaby. Dear old Hugh! Not long ago the report ran that his health was in a bad state.