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Most of our group had a good time in Durban and were very well treated by the South Africans, when we expressed our thanks they said, "Oh, you should have been here before the Australians came, they nearly wrecked the place." Back on the docks we saw our next floating hotel, HMT Aronda; she was much more modern, lighter in build and with finer lines than the old Antenor.

He was a scholar in his day and he has taught me a good deal, and I have picked up more by reading. Also, for nearly three years I was at a good school in Durban and did my best to improve myself there. I did not wish to grow up wild because I lived among wild people." "Indeed, that explains the miracle. And do you like living among savages?"

They are absolutely confident of success, and expect to overwhelm General White at Ladysmith in three days from now, and to be in Pietermaritzburg in a week, and are talking of driving the last rooinek on board the ships at Durban shortly after." The general smiled. "I am much obliged to you for your information, Mr.

"Maybe we are in the midst of a herd of elephants, and they have hold of the ship in their trunks." "It couldn't be!" declared Mr. Durban, yet they soon discovered that Ned's guess was nearer the truth then any of them had suspected at the time. "We must help him, true enough!" declared Mr. Anderson, and he and the others followed Ned out on deck. "Where are you Tom?" called his chum.

Methuen's force, French's force, Gatacre's force, and the Natal force, with the exception of garrisons for Pietermaritzburg and Durban, would have assembled, with a reserve of another sixty thousand men in the colony or on the sea ready to fill the gaps in his advance.

"The god," groaned the Kalubi, "the god praying to the moon with which he always rises." I said nothing, for I was reflecting that four shots, which was all we had, was not many, and that nothing should tempt me to waste one of them. Oh! why had Hans put on that rotten old waistcoat instead of the new one I gave him in Durban?

The Sabine was also a British ship with Mossel Bay, Algoa Bay, and Durban among her ports of call, and carried shipments aggregating thirty to forty thousand dollars in value made by New York merchants to these ports, all of which are in British territory.

Thus his work came to an end in Durban as it had done in other places. Now, again, his wife and daughter hoped that he would leave South Africa for good, and return home. But it was not to be, for once more he announced that it was laid upon him to follow the example of his divine Master, and that the Spirit drove him into the wilderness. So, with a few attendants, they trekked away from Durban.

The cases full of butterflies and dried plants were also gone, but these, I found he had shipped to some port in America, by a sailing vessel bound for the United States which chanced to put in at Durban for food and water. As to what had become of the man himself I could get no clue.

Within the week the 'Moor, 'Yorkshire, 'Aurania, 'Hawarden Castle, 'Gascon, 'Armenian, 'Oriental, and a fleet of others had passed for Durban with 15,000 men. Once again the command of the sea had saved the Empire. But, now that it was too late, the Boers suddenly took the initiative, and in dramatic fashion.