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I saw two of his landscapes, views from nature, that were very striking. If I should find fault, I should say they were too warmly colored; and I suspect that is his error, if he has any, from what his wife told me he said of one of Durand's. Mr. Furness preached finely for us on Sunday. Mr. Dewey does not charm me at all. Have heard W.H.C. once, as Charles will have told you.

He learned that a room had been prepared on the second floor for a woman. Slim had made the arrangements. Joe had heard Durand's name mentioned, but knew nothing of the plans. "I'll look the house over. Move along in front of me and don't make any mistakes. This six-gun is liable to permeate yore anatomy with lead." The cattleman examined the first floor with an especial view to the exits.

Durand's good name should be restored by the coroner's verdict, or such evidence brought to light as should effectually place him beyond all suspicion, I was to hold no communication with him of any sort whatever. I remember the very words with which my uncle ended the one exhaustive conversation we had on the subject. They were these: "You have fully expressed to Mr.

Durand's the whole works by his way of it, but when some one calls his bluff see where he gets off." "He ain't through with you yet," growled "Slim" Jim sulkily. "Mebbe not, but you you're through with Annie." Clay caught him by the shoulder and swung him round. His eyes bored chilly into the other man. "Don't you forget to remember not to forget that. Let her alone.

Nos. 9 and 10, Pan-Chao and Dr. Tio-King: what can I say except that Pan-Chao is always the Parisian you know, and that if he comes to France we shall meet at dinner at Durand's or Marguery's. As to the doctor, he has got down to eating only the yolk of an egg a day, like his master, Cornaro, and he hopes to live to a hundred and two as did the noble Venetian.

Nothing happened to improve Mr. Durand's position, and nothing openly to compromise Mr. Grey's. Mr.

I remember once getting up at three in the morning to go and play cricket somewhere fearful hot day it was, but I knocked up fifty, I remember. Probably the bowling was awfully soft, although I remember one chap Pulling, friend of Durand's could fairly twist 'em down the pitch made you damned well jump. Talking of cricket, I suppose you play, Robin?

Each holiday found a box at Bancroft addressed to the lad who was so dear to her, and it was always regarded as public property by Durand's friends, who never hesitated to open it and regale themselves, sure that the generous owner of the "eats" would be only too glad to share with them everything he owned.

The Ameer, Abdur Rahman, irritated by the making of the Khojak tunnel, was soothed by Sir Mortimer Durand's Mission in 1893; and in return for an increase of subsidy and other advantages, he agreed that the tribes of the debatable borderland the Waziris, Afridis, and those of the Swat and Chitral valleys should be under the control of the Viceroy.

And when she declined Estelle's invitation to go with her to Mlle. Durand's, where she would hear the pupils of the latter recite Corneille and Racine, she did not tell her what she had planned to do instead, fully intending, however, to reveal it later. Gerald meanwhile did not flatter himself imagining Aurora unhappy because he stayed away longer than had lately been quite usual.