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The colonel's first impulse was to haul the scoundrel through the hole and caarve him; but then he remembered that he was a Talcott and could not demean himself, and drawin' himself up again with that manner which was grace itself he requested the loan of a three-cent postage stamp until he should communicate with his factor in Richmond, Virginia; and again he was refused.

Sez I, in a very dry axent, "Then the word man, when it is used in church matters, always means wimmen, so fur as scrubbin' is concerned, and drowdgin' round?" "Yes," sez Josiah haughtily, "And it always means men in the higher and more difficult matters of decidin' questions, drawin' sallerys, settin' on Conferences, etc. It has long been settled to be so," sez he. "Who settled it?" sez I.

"I'm figurin' as thar's no more'n one gun down there," declared Isa Blagg with a wise headshake. "One gun alone. But the man that's behind it, he sure knows how to shoot. I'm curious t' know just who it c'n be. Eh? Yes, that's so; they're drawin' off. Guess they've had about enough. They didn't catch us sleepin', as they thought to."

"Where's Steele?" they demanded. "He's out of town, in a safe place," I replied. "Too bad hurt for action. I'm to rush through with the rest of the deal." "That's good. We've waited long enough. This gang has been split, an' if we hurry they'll never get together again. Old man Snecker showed up to-day. He's drawin' the outfit in again. Reckon he's waitin' for orders.

The wust disappointment we've had has bin wi' the noo store-ship, the Neptune Buss. I wish it was the Neptune bu'st, I do, for it's wus than a tub, an' gives us more trouble than it's all worth. Now the saison's drawin' to a close, it's clear that we'll do no more this year than cut the foundations." "An' that's not a bad season's work, lad," said old John. "Ain't it not, Tommy?"

He let fall these last words slowly, in a kind of reverie, as he gazed out on the garden over which the twilight was fast gathering. "With all this time on your hands, I reckon you won't be takin' a look round the garden?" hazarded Fancy. "Certainly. Why not?" "Well, 'tis drawin' in dusk. But there! I wouldn' disappoint Mrs Bosenna, if I was you." "Eh?"

'What! cried she, the old Calvinist life reasserting itself in her soul 'what! have the curses o' God getten howd o' me? 'Mother! It was the voice of Amanda, and its sound called back the ebbing tides of maternity as the clear notes of a bugle rally the dispirited and flying forces on an undecided field. 'Mother, will yo' draw that blind? 'What doesto want th' blind drawin' for, Amanda?

"With that I goes to look arter the two pretty galls in the drawin' room; and there was the ladies a chatterin' away like any thing. The moment I came in it was as dumb as a quaker's meetin'. They all hauled up at once, like a stage-coach to an inn-door, from a hand-gallop to a stock still stand.

"They have paid a fearful price for their folly," the old man said, solemnly; "but by thus dyin' they've ensured the holdin' of this fort, for there's not a man within the walls who wouldn't delight in drawin' his last breath at the post of duty rather than take the chances of sich protection as St. Leger has shown he's ready to give.

And I think," sez she, "that it would look better now both from the under and upper side both on earth and in Heaven to close them murderous and damnable saloons, that are drawin' men to visible and open ruin all round us on every side, than to take such great pains to impress onseen things onto strangers." She would have the last word she wuz bound to.