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"Then learn that Captain Disbrowe is faithless," cried Parravicin, throwing back the curtains, and disclosing himself. "Learn that he loves another, and is with her now. Learn that he cares so little for you, that he has surrendered you to me." "What do I hear?" exclaimed Mrs. Disbrowe. "Who are you, and what brings you here?" "You may guess my errand from my presence," replied the knight.

"I will assuredly cut your throat, if you keep up this clamour," rejoined Disbrowe, snatching the other's long rapier from his side. "Coward!" he added, striking him with the flat side of the weapon, "this will teach you to mix yourself up in such infamous affairs for the future."

"Nothing but his blood can wipe out the wrong he has done me," she rejoined. "Challenge him to a duel a mortal duel. If he survives, by my soul, I will give myself to him." "Margaret!" exclaimed Disbrowe. "I swear it," she rejoined. "And you know my passionate nature too well to doubt I will keep my word." "But you have the plague!" "What does that matter? I may recover."

"There you are wrong, Captain Disbrowe," returned Pillichody, in a supplicatory tone. "On my soul, you are! That was his own idea entirely." "The excuse shall not avail you," cried Disbrowe, fiercely. "To you I owe all my misery. Draw and defend yourself." "Be not so hasty, captain," cried Pillichody, abjectedly. "I have injured you sufficiently already. I would not have your blood on my head.

"Charming creature!" exclaimed Parravicin, as the paper dropped from his hand; "she little dreamed, when she wrote it, who would read her billet. Disbrowe does not deserve such a treasure. I am sorry she is unwell. I hope she has not taken the plague. Pshaw, what could put such an idea into my head? Lydyard's warning, I suppose. That fellow, who is the veriest rake among us, is always preaching.

What say you to an exchange of mistresses? I am so diverted with your adventure, that I am half inclined to give you the grocer's daughter for Disbrowe's wife. She is a superb creature languid as a Circassian, and passionate as an Andalusian." "I can't agree to the exchange, especially after your rapturous description," returned Parravicin, "but I'll stake Mrs. Disbrowe against Amabel.

"I will have your life first, and your wife afterwards," replied Parravicin, furiously. "You shall have her if you slay me, but not otherwise," retorted Disbrowe. "It must be a mortal duel." "It must," replied Parravicin. "I will not spare you this time." "Spare him!" cried Pillichody. "Shield of Agamemnon! I should hope not. Spit him as you would a wild boar." "Peace, fool!" cried Parravicin.

"I am come to settle accounts with you." "I thought they were settled long ago," returned Parravicin, instantly resuming his wonted manner. "But I am glad to find you consider the debt unpaid." Disbrowe lifted the cane he held in his hand, and struck the knight with it forcibly on the shoulder. "Be that my answer," he said.

"He told me you were false that you loved another, and had abandoned me." "He lied!" exclaimed Disbrowe, in a voice of uncontrollable fury. "It is true that, in a moment of frenzy, I was tempted to set you yes, you, Margaret against all I had lost at play, and was compelled to yield up the key of my house to the winner. But I have never been faithless to you never."

"But you don't appear to relish the jest," rejoined Parravicin, sneeringly. "Oh, yes, I relish it exceedingly," replied Pillichody; "her husband ha! ha! and Disbrowe is the disappointed lover capital! But here we are and I wish we were anywhere else," he added to himself. "Are you sure you are right?" asked Parravicin, searching for the key. "Quite sure," returned Pillichody.

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