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And, laddie," he said to the denunciatory lawyer, "gin ye dinna haud your tongue, I'll commit yoursel' for contempt!" Lord Vincent, seeing that all opposition must be worse than vain, quietly yielded the point and followed his conductor. But Faustina's animal nature got the ascendency, and she resisted, fought and screamed like a wildcat.

Wha is the king, think ye? now, just think wha?" "Wha is the king!" said Nancy, with a look, and in a tone of astonishment "I dinna comprehend ye, Andrew what do ye mean? Wha can the king be, but just the king."

"Dinna greet for me," said he in a calm and hopeful voice, "I ha'e already leeved ayont the period allotted to the life o' man. I ha'e striven in my ain imperfect way to do my duty in this life, an' I am thankfu' that I am able to say that I dinna fear death; and I feel that when I dee I shall gang hame to the house o' a mercifu' Father."

He bustled about with great energy, and took the arrangement of the whole explanation upon himself. 'Come, come, gentlemen, sit down; this is all in my province; you must let me arrange it for you. Sit down, my dear Colonel, and let me manage; sit down, Mr. Brown, aut quocunque alio nomine vocaris; Dominie, take your seat; draw in your chair, honest Liddesdale. 'I dinna ken, Mr.

"Well, I must see what can be done. I'll go and consult Mr Gibb." James took his leave, dejected on his mistress's account, and on his own. As he went out, he met Annie. "Eh, Annie!" he said; "this is awfu'." "What's the matter, Dooie?" "He daurna!" exclaimed Annie. Eh! lassie, gin we hadna len' 't him yours!" "I'll gang till him direcly. But dinna tell the mistress. She wadna like it." "Na, na.

"Hout tout, mither," cried Cuddie, interfering and dragging her off forcibly, "dinna deave the gentlewoman wi' your testimony! ye hae preached eneugh for sax days.

'I dinna think there's onything in real life like the love in "Lord Bellew's Bride," unless among the gentry. 'Do you really think not? asked Gladys, with a slight wistfulness. 'I have not read "Lord Bellew," of course, but I do believe there is that kind of love which would give up all, and dare and suffer anything. I should not like to marry without it.

I sepad it had been bocht cheap second-hand, for the chair I had was terrible scratched like, an', what's mair, the airm-chair was a heap shinnier than the rest." "Ay, ay, I wager it had been new stuffed. Tibbie said the carpet cowed for grandeur?" "Oh, I dinna deny it's a guid carpet; but if it's been turned once it's been turned half a dozen times, so it's far frae new.

"No, no, Nelly," said Jock, grasping her hand firmly in his, to detain her, and now considerably relieved by the consciousness that he was in the presence of one who had hands and arms, and a body of flesh and blood like his own; "dinna leave me," he continued, "and I'll tell ye a' about it.

"If you dinna believe me," Blinder said, "look if the roses is no red on the bush at Pyotdykes, which was a split frae Buchan's, and speir whether they're no named the blood rose." "I believe you," Tommy would say breathlessly: "go on." Captain Body was back in the Den by and by, but he had no thought of preeing lasses' mouths now.