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Ad the same dime I feel id due do myself do say thad, even had you nod mendioned the madder, I should have done my best to secure Englishmen for the work, as of course I shall now; bud I do nod feel very sanguine as do the resuldt." "My dear professor!" exclaimed the baronet, smiling at the intense earnestness of the German, "are you not laying on the colour rather thickly?

"Drumm'll pay it, down to the last dime!" the young man declared. "We can't hold him up and take it away from him, Fred," the older man reproved. "That would be as big a crime as his." "He'll pay it!" Fred repeated, with what Morgan thought to be admirable tenacity, even though his means to the desired end might be hard to justify.

Had it been the most imaginative chapter of a dime novel, things could not have happened more opportunely than they did. Just as the echo of the girls cry of distress died in the distance, there was a crackling noise of the branches near by, and a man, young and handsome, with sporting tackle wound around him, stood beside the prostrate form of Fifine de Maistre.

I never see a snake fed without thinking of something which happened when I was running a side show with the Greatest Show on Earth. "You know that the dime museum business was run to death while the craze lasted in this country, and freaks got so common that you couldn't throw a stone in the streets of any large city without hitting one of 'em.

The German galloped into sight, around the turn of the road, his rifle laid across his saddle. He came on rapidly, pulled up, and dismounted at the ditch. "Dey're commen," he cried, trembling with excitement. "I watch um long dime bei der side oaf der roadt in der busches. Dey shtop bei der gate oder side der relroadt trecks and talk long dime mit one n'udder. Den dey gome on.

The way to good taste in reading is not, as some curiously declare, through the mire of the dime novel and the sensational story, but straight along the clean, bright path of decent literature.

Before him stood the saloon. He came to a stop and stared at it, licking his lips. He sank his hand into his pants pocket and fumbled a solitary dime. "God!" he muttered. "God!" Then, with dragging, reluctant feet, went on along the road. He came to a big farm. He knew it must be big, because of the bigness of the house and the size and number of the barns and outbuildings.

I should be afraid to say to you how much he writes in the compass of a half- dime, whether the Psalms or the Gospels, or the Psalms AND the Gospels, I won't be positive. But now let rue tell you this.

"Well, if you'd listened to me and Pete!" said Billy Fairfax; "didn't we think, way back there that first day, that our lamps were on the blink because we saw black spots? Great Scott, what dreams I've had," he went on, "a mixture of 'Arabian Nights, 'Gulliver's Travels, 'Peter Wilkins, 'Peter Pan, 'Goosie, Jules, Verne, H. G. Wells, and every dime novel I've ever read.

Boy and man, I've loved that ahem! son of yours. Why, he always did have guts. Keep your filthy money. The boy's credit is good with me. I'm no pauper, even I if do work for you. I work for fun. Understand. Or do you, Hector McKaye?" "If you dare to loan my son as much as a thin dime I'll fire you out of hand." Mr. Daney jeered.