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"Truly, Maestro, I had not thought of it like that," he admitted. "But I think her faith in me will carry us through," he added confidently. "Never! Never! Women are not made like that." "And perhaps, later on, if things go well, I shall be able to tell her all." "And much good that will do! Diavolo! When the time comes that things go well if it ever does come " "It will.

Brief: Leonard resolved to follow Randal Leslie, and track all his movements. He did then follow him, unobserved, and at a distance, first to Audley Egerton's house, then to Eaton Square, thence to a house in Bruton Street, which Leonard ascertained to be Baron Levy's. Suspicious that, my clear sage?" "Diavolo, yes!" said Riccabocca, thoughtfully. "At Levy's, Randal stayed till dusk.

As you look up at these tall, gloomy precipices, you will see one of the peculiarities of a Sandwich Island landscape. In fact, these great rocks, thus adorned, reminded me constantly of the rock scenery in such operas as Fra Diavolo; the dark green being of a shade which I do not remember to have seen before in nature, though it is not uncommon in theatrical scenery.

They are full of electricity, and electricity is a force of which we know so little. Does the idea of a cocktail appeal to you? I have a man who has invented a new cocktail which he calls 'Fra Diavolo. Viewed through the eyes of Fra Diavolo you will find the world a more cheery globe." "Thanks, no. But I will smoke." From his coat pocket Paul took out a briar pipe and the well-worn pouch.

I knew something would happen. Messer Diavolo does not ride whooping to no purpose by the windows of people whom he desires to torment; nor does he inspire photographs for nothing with an active spirit of mockery. We dined at the Trocadero.

"Does your stomach ache?" he whispered. "No!" she answered shortly. "Oh, then, I suppose there is something morally wrong," he observed, in a satisfied tone, as if he knew from experience that that was a small thing compared with the other complaint. They sat together at the wedding breakfast, but Angelica continued silently observant. Diavolo had brought a big boiled shrimp in his pocket.

Fra Diavolo, Beppo, Lallah Rookh, The Lady of the Lions, and The Colleen Bawn, were among the burlesques that he produced, and with those he was the pioneer. Engagements were filled by Mr. and Mrs. Florence, at the outset of their starring tour, in many cities of the republic, and everywhere they met with kindness and honour.

But who can stop il diavolo e gli suoi angeli? Why, signor, if they want foxes, I myself, Beppo Donati, would catch them any number for a paul or two. But they are all mad, all mad. And the dogs, it is well known how they became possessed; for," lowering his voice and coming nearer me, "I myself saw the arch-fiend himself and his legions enter them bodily. I will tell the signor how it was.

Dio mio!" and Ercole laughed under his big moustache, which is black still. But he is bald, all the same, and wears a skull-cap. "Diavolo as much as you please, but I will know," said Nino sullenly. "Oh bene! Now do not disquiet yourself, Nino I will tell you all about them. She is a pupil of mine, and I go to their house in the Corso and give her lessons." "And then?" asked Nino impatiently.

It creates no surprise that one sensible watch-dog should control the movements of a flock of silly grass-eating sheep; but that two or three silly grass-eating sheep should give the law to whole flocks of such mighty sensible watch-dogs Diavolo! Dr. Riecabocca, explain that, if you can!